They get sick

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"But I need to do work" Jonathan tried to make an excuse all three of you are pushing him back into bed.

"No, you will die! If you don't!" Jonathan believed you and got scared, so he got back into bed.

You believed he actually would die and Erina and George didn't say anything because they found it to cute when you both hugged each other to comfort each other.

"I won't die (name) I will stay in bed and recover" He reassured you.

"Good I'm staying with you because it's boring without you" You closed your eyes, and he cried with joy from how happy he was to hear you say that.


Joseph wouldn't stop whining about how bored he was Holly and Suzi looked after him, and they gave you the task to make sure he doesn't get out of bed.

"(name) I wanna leave please I'm bored" He begged.

"Wanna make a pillow fort?" You asked to distract him.

"YES! YES! YES!" He yelled.

You gathered every pillow and blanket in the house and you both made a giant fort in the room.

It was like a mini castle there was a knock at the pillow door you opened it and saw Suzi and Holy "Can we come in we have soup?" Suzi asked with a smile.

"Yeah," You pulled Holy in and Suzi followed, you all had a wonderful time and you and Holy ended falling asleep on Joseph's chest and he is sleeping with his head on Suzi's knees, she giggled from how cute you all are.


"Dad back to bed!" You held onto him to try and stop him from going back to work.

Jolyne came out to see Jotaro holding up his arm and your hanging from it "Your gonna die if you don't rest!"

Jotaro gave up in the end and went back to bed and was surprised to see you come in with medicine and cloth with some water.

You got him set in bed and Jolyne brought in some soup she was taught to make by Holy.

He tried it and was surprised at how good it was and finished it quickly "Thank you" He smiled at you two and held up the cover of his bed so you two can join him.

You jumped in first and hugged him, Jolyne joined and you saw Star appear and hug you both as well "Yare yare daze" Jotaro sighed but he still has a smile on his face and you all slept peacefully.


"Why can't I fix myself?!" Josuke whined and you pushed him back into bed.

He laid there bored out of his head, and he then noticed you coming in and out of his room with a couple of things he sat up and looked at the end of his bed. He noticed that you had brought in your videos games and everything else.

"Your bored right? Playing video games alone is boring" You held out a controller to him, and he pulled you into a hug.

"Your such a great daughter!" He exclaimed and you sat in his lap as you both played video games for the rest of the day.


"Bed" You demanded.

Jolyne went back upstairs "Dad mum is sick make soup," You told him.

"Okay, I will leave the rest to you," He told you and you nodded.

You got a cloth and some water and rushed to her room and put the cloth on her forehead once you made it wet.

She was breathing heavily so you went and got your dolphin plush and gave it to her she was surprised because she knew how precious it was to you "I will give this to you today so get better quickly."

She started crying and pulled you into a hug "Your the best daughter I could ask for" You returned the hug.

Anasui was watching through the gap in the door crying from the cuteness of you both.


He looked absolutely fine no one could tell but you could see something was off in the little things he did.

You used a chair to climb onto his desk and everyone watched you curiously as you put your hand to his forehead "HOT!! I knew it you're ill!"

Bucciarati came over in under a second and felt his forehead "She's right, lay down on the sofa" He demanded.

"No I'm fine I need to finish my work" Giorno removed his hand.

"Nope" You kicked the work off his desk "Rest."

Bucciarati got him to lay down Mista got him a blanket and a pillow "We will get some soup for him (name) I'm giving you your first mission make sure he stays there" Bucciarati asked of you.

"I will," You told him, and they went off and you watched your dad.

"(name) hug?" Giorno asked.

You rushed to get underneath the blanket and hug him they all came back to find you both hugging each other asleep and Bucciarati took a picture of it before he left you two to rest.


You both have been staring at him he has been breathing heavily. You got up onto a chair then climbed on to the table and put your hand against his forehead he didn't even notice you until you touched him.

"He's warm!" You yelled to Giorno.

"Bed" Giorno demanded.

"No," He said and held his head getting a headache.

"Please I don't want you to die" You begged, and he couldn't handle your puppy dog eyes.

"Fine" He went back to bed and you both got a cloth and some water and Giorno slapped it onto his head surprising him.

"When will you get better?" You asked worried after five minutes.

"I need to sweat it out just leave me to it" He ruffled your hair and smiled at you.

"So you need to be warm" You climbed onto the bed and got underneath the covers and hugged him and Giorno joined. Dio didn't have the energy to move you two so he fell asleep with you both.

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