You meet friends and family

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Your in your grandad's arms he is smiling happily and is very excited that Jonathan had a baby girl. Speedwagon was next, and he cried while rubbing his face against yours "Just like Jonathan" he cried.

The last was Dio, and he kept rejecting to hold you but Jonathan gave him a sad look, and he gave in.

You found Dio really cool and you liked him a lot Speedwagon was very jealous "Why him?" He cried.


You were confused how LisaLisa is your grandmother she looks so young she found you adorable and wouldn't let you go and hugged you with a bit too much strength.

You found Caesar amazing because he would somehow make bubbles with his hands they would pop before you could touch them, and he was the best uncle ever.

Speedwagon brings cool things to show you that he has collected as he travelled around the world and Erina was lovely she would tell you stories about your grandad and your great grandad.


Joseph cried about how cute you are and Holy was the same they both made a big deal over you while everyone else watched. Kakoyoin was very nice and you love his earrings.

You loved it when Avdol does fortune-telling, Polnareff taught you french words for when you learn to talk it would confuse your parents and you can swear around them without them knowing.

You like Iggy he only stared at you at first then he actually let you pet him everyone was shocked, but he's still a tsundere.


When you met Joseph he smiled straight at you and he gave you all kinds of sweets. Jotaro gave you a turtle teddy Josuke was gonna rid of it, but he saw how much you loved it and just gave up with it but glared at Jotaro for quite some time.

Your nan was never allowed around the same time as Joseph and you never understood why she sometimes hugs Jotaro while shouting Joesph confusing you. Jotaro looked to Josuke for help, and he just stuck his tongue at him "Revenge for the turtle teddy" he picked you up and left Jotaro to suffer.

"So this is her?" You met two men one with silver hair and the other with black hair.

A woman with black hair came in and stared at you "I want a kid" She told the silver-haired guy, and he freaked out, and she then dragged him away.


It's amazing that five generations of your family are alive Joseph is very old, and he loves to play with you. Holy is similar to Joseph, but she always suffocates you with hugs and kisses.

Jotaro you get along with the most probably because of your similar personality, and he lets you wear his hat even though it's way too big for your head you love it. Josuke suffocates you with hugs and kisses just like Holy.


He took you with him to his office today and you saw a whole group of people when he took you in. One guy has holes in his clothes he looks like cheese you find him nice. Giorno left you in their care while he went off to take care of some things and Bucciarati went with him.

Fugo suddenly got angry at the other guy and it made you cry out loud they all panicked, and they tried to stop you from crying but it didn't help, they came back later.

Everyone looked exhausted and is still looking at you with worry "Seriously?" Bucciarati came over and picked you up he smiled at you and bounced you up and down you calmed down quickly.

"Wow, magic" Narancia commented.

Bucciarati was pretty much your second mum in the end and even Giorno got a bit annoyed of how excited you got each time you saw him.


Dio didn't want to, but he took you to visit Jonathan "She's too cute to be yours" Speedwagon picked you up.

"Why is he here?" Dio glared at him.

George was very sweet to you and so was Jonathan and even they thought how does Dio have such lovely children.

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