You both switch genders

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"Your boobs are even smaller than before," You said confused while staring at your dad.

He looked down "Oh" He mumbled.

"I AM SEXY!" Well, you know who shouted that, Dio came downstairs to see you two and was smirking happily then his face went to horror.

"Um, Johnathan" You all heard a very deep voice and looked back to see a huge man.

"MUM!!" You yelled shocked, she's so buff, much more than Johnathan and even Dio was terrified of her.


You were just confused that you're now a male and you then heard a high pitch screech that broke some glass, you went downstairs to see your dad well now mum crying.


"How are boobs shields?" Caesar asked.

"Haven't you seen boobs in anime!?" Joseph yelled and Kars came to get revenge on Jojo but left after hearing what Joseph yelled.

"They can bounce bullets off them!" He exclaimed and he then got a grin on his face.

"Oh no," You both mumbled.

"I need to find a gun!" Joseph ran off



You and Jolyne are both with Kakyoin since he was looking after you two for the day and Jolyne was handling everything well "I LOOK LIKE DAD!! THIS IS HELL!!" Until she looked in a mirror.

"You still look cute, good he hasn't affected you" Jolyne hugged you and Kakyoin laughed.

The front door slammed open to show a female Jotaro and he looked to you two straight away then paused.

"I'm going to kill that stand user so we can change back" He went to walk out.

"Oh because you saw what we look like!" Jolyne yelled at him.

"Because I want my daughters back" He explained.

"He finds you two adorable, he won't ever stop talking when you two are the topic and I have seen him look at the picture he has of you two a lot and smile to himself" Kakyoin explained to you two.

Jotaro tried his best to hide his blush while Star was behind Kakyoin nodding with every word he said to show it's the truth.


You both changed genders and Josuke was somehow even bigger in height and so were his boobs "I'M DYING!!" He cried.

"What is wrong now?" Your mum sighed since he has been crying all day.

"THIS BRA IS A BEAR TRAP!!" He screeched.

He then threw his arms up and you all heard a rip "I feel better now" He grinned.

"Can't you use your stand on him to make him likes bras?" Koichi asked Rohan.

"Yes but I like to see him suffer" He explained.

"Its a law of the universe that no one likes bras even stands can't change that" You added.


"Turn back to normal" Your mum demanded of you.

"I want my daughter back!" Anasui cried as he hugged you.

"I want to disappear" You groaned "Yare ya-"

"NO!" Jolyne yelled "You look too much like dad, you're my daughter! Now turn back to normal where you are more beautiful than me!"

You pat her head as she hugged you and Jotaro came in to see you all "Help" You asked of him.

"Why does my husband have bigger boobs than me!? And why is my daughter now my dad!?" Jolyne cried loudly making you both sigh.


"Wow so now I actually have three mothers" You mumbled seeing everyone has switched their gender including you.

"These are so soft" Narancia was squishing his boobs.

Abbacchio was just still drinking his wine like normal "These are useful" He mumbled, he was able to put his glass in his bra and keep it there and none of you has any idea of how he got that to work.

"You're still cute (name)" Bucciarati ruffled your hair and took pictures of you before you all change back so he can remember this and make a whole new photobook.

Giorno was telling you everything you need to know about being male and you did the same for the boys about being female.

"I'M BLEEDING!!" You all heard Mista screech from somewhere.

"Oh, that's a period" You mumbled.

"Where are you bleeding from?!" Mama Bucciarati yelled.

"My eyes!" He yelled.

"WHAT!?" Trish yelled.


"I have two holes now" Dio mumbled.

"Why does that matter?" You asked.

"Sis well I guess brother, you look very handsome and here's some cake" Giorno gave you some to distract you.

"My cake is actually smaller in this gender" Dio was looking at his back in a mirror and Giorno groaned.

"You have been in front of the mirror for hours now, I thought you would go blind from the view after a minute or at least puke" Giorno mumbled and Dio glared at him.

"I AM THE EMBODIMENT OF SEXY!!" Dio yelled and then sulked "(name) was the embodiment of cuteness, I want her cuteness back, I'm going to go beat up whoever did this to my children!"

There was a distant but loud "WRRRRYYYY!!" After ten minutes and you both changed back.

"That was quick" You both commented then went back to eating cake.

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