You go trick or treating

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"Nice costume" Johnathan greeted Dio and he got a confused look back.

Giorno is with him and he's a cute frog "Are you an elf or a Leprechaun?" You asked Dio.

"I'm wearing my normal clothes" He answered.

Johnathan smiled nervously while you were just plain confused, you joined them both in trick and treating "What happened to your dad?" You asked Giorno.

"He said he met some man named Pucci" Giorno answered.


"Are you sure about this?" You asked Joseph.

"Yeah this will be amazing!" He exclaimed.

"Amazing you will fail probably" You sighed then knocked on the door "Trick or treat."

"Oh (name) you look adorable this year where is-" LisaLisa looked around for Joseph.

Joseph then came down from the roof holding onto a small piece of rope he thought he tied to the roof.

He didn't.

It fell with him and he smacked face first into the floor.

He was dressed as a spider you shook your head as Caesar laughed at Joseph from a bush nearby he was going to jump out next dressed as bug spray Joseph forced him to dress up like that.

"Actually that wasn't dumb your crying got us alot of candy" You grinned.

You all got a lot of candy because Joseph was crying for the rest of the trip making people fell sorry for him.


"How was-" Jotaro cut himself off when he saw you both dragging in huge bags of sweets.

"It was really fun!" You exclaimed and Star was helping as well "Star brought us all of this!"

Jotaro sighed "You two should give-" Jotaro tried to speak but you put some sweets in his hand.

"I saved these for you" You grinned it was dolphin shaped sweets.

"Star you did a good job" Jotaro told him making you laugh.

"Yeah Star thanks!" You yelled Star was on the edge of tears from the praise and then hugged you both making Jotaro sigh.


You guys were on holiday but still went trick or treating you knocked on a door of a large house.

Josuke has been jumpy the whole night "Trick or treat" You said as the door slowly opened.

It was pitch back then a little leg stepped out Josuke screamed high pitch and ran while you were just staring at the turtle.

"Polnareff I told you not to answer the door" Some man with blonde hair came along then smiled at you "Here you go."

He gave you a lot of candy "Thanks!" You exclaimed.

You ran off to find Josuke but couldn't find him anywhere "Are you lost?" A giant man asked you,

"Yeah I can't find my dad" You answered nervously.

"Here let me take you to him" He held out his hand you could tell he didn't have any bad intentions and seemed familiar so you let him take you to your dad.

You saw crying Josuke and your mum yelling at him in the distance "Thanks mr...umm."

"Johnthan now go" He gently pushed you forward and he was gone when you looked back.

You ran to your dad and he hugged you tightly while rocking back and forth on the floor "Im sorry I will give you all my candy just don't leave me ever again!" He cried.

"You left her!" Your mother smacked him.


You went to a door of a house and knocked "Trick or treat!" Anasui yelled while you mumbled it.

There was no answer and no light on inside "Well let's go to the next house" Jolyne started to leave and you followed there was then a smashing sound.

You both looked to see Anasui broke into the house through a window "WHERE IS THE CANDY!!?"

You both sighed and dragged him out before the police came Anasui was pouting as you both dragged him away "My daughter deserves all the candy" He huffed.


You got a lot of candy and decided to end the night you, Giorno, Abbacchio and Bucciarati were waiting for the other three but they were very late.

"Where are they?" Bucciarati checked the time.

"Where did we say to meet?" You asked.

"House 44" Abbachio answered.

"Who did you tell that to?" Giorno asked.

"Mista and Narancia" He answered you both facepalmed and went to search for the others.

You found them at house 69 for some reason Mista was holding a gun to a kids head "What did you do to (name) and Giorno!? Your four so your sus!?" He yelled.

Narancia was dancing with Fugo "Narancia probably thought it was an equation and went to the wrong house and Mista hates the number four" You sighed.

"I will take all your candy kid!" Mista yelled at the kid again they were crying.

Bucciarati and Giorno stopped them while you shared a lollipop with Abbacchio and sat down on the pavement watching the other two dance.


Dio smashed down a door again making you both sigh as the people inside screamed "Trick or treat" Dio looked around the place.

"Your suppose to knock" Giorno sighed.

"I did with my foot" Dio explained.

Giorno took you away as the people inside called the police "Why are you two alone?" Johnathan asked concerned.

"Dad is a prisoner for Halloween" You pointed at him yelling wrry at some cops.

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