Your godparents

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They were having a lot of difficulty choosing who would be your godfather it was between Dio and Speedwagon.

"It should be me" Dio spoke up.

"No me!" Speedwagon yelled and they glared at each other.

"Dad" You held up Dio's hand making him smirk from his victory then you pulled him over to Speedwagon and grabbed his hand and held it up "Mum."

Everyone was silent "(name) he can't be your mum," Erina informed you.

"But he's best waifu so he can be best mum," You told her and Speedwagon hugged you while crying.

"I will be the best for you" Speedwagon hugged you tightly.


"So your my godfather?" You asked Ceasar.

"Yeah" He answered.

"Can you be my dad now?" You asked of him.

"I'm not dead yet (name)" Joseph laughed.

"He's my dad now your not" You hugged Caesar and stuck your tongue out at Joseph making him pout.


"Kakyoin is my godfather?" You asked as Jolyne was hugging him excited by the news.

"He is" Jotaro confirmed.

"Why do I need a godfather?" You asked him.

"In case something happens to me" He explained and was surprised to see you start crying.

"Your dying!" You yelled "I don't want another dad I only want you!"

He sighed and hugged you "I'm not leaving you I promise I won't let anything keep me from you" Jotaro rubbed your back and Star hugged you tightly.

"I rather have Kakyoin as our dad now" Jolyne complained and Kakyoin laughed nervously.


"Joseph is my godfather?" You asked surprised.

"Yeah" Josuke answered.

"But he's so old," You told him.

"He's been old for many years" Jotaro added.

"So he's a vampire" You mumbled causing Jotaro to have flashbacks.


"Your godfather is Jotaro" Jolyne explained "There isn't anyone one else we could have chose sorry."

"Why are you apologising? This is the best news ever" You told her and your dad pouted.

"You want to get rid of me?" He whined.

"Of course not grandad can't replace you no one your can your my dad," You told him, and he hugged you while crying.

"Anyway why couldn't you choose anyone else?" You asked.

"Josuke would die from a heart attack of seeing all the sea turtles pictures you have and Joseph is way to senile" Jolyne explained.

"Really Joseph is quite cool he got me that shark as a pet" You remembered back to your birthday.

"Yeah a live shark in the pool in our back garden" Your mum sighed.

"Yeah that wasn't a good idea" You laughed remebering it ate Jotaro's hat and Joseph's prosthetic arm.


"Your godmother is Buccarati and your godfather is Abbachio" Giorno answered.

"I thought he hates you" You said confused.

"He does I just can't trust any of that to not let harm come to you" Giorno pointed at the others.

Fugo stabbed Naracia with a fork because he got another answer wrong "It was four you idiot!!"

"Four!!?" Mista is now have a mental breakdown and is sitting in the fridge frigthennd.

"I get why you mean" You sighed and went to comfort Mista he clung onto you as you said numbers other than four to calm him down.


"Sadly Jojo is your godparent" Dio gagged at the end of his sentence.

"Can we have him as our dad?" Giorno asked

"Why? You have me Dio as your father anyone would die to have me as their dad or more like daddy" He smirked

"This is what I mean" Giorno sighed.

"Daddy?" You said confused

"Don't say that word ever again" Giorno hugged you.

"Yeah just call me dad" Dio added.

"Okay dad anyway I don't need a god parent you will always be here right?" You asked

He smiled at you "Of course I will I would fight everyone in the world to make sure you two stay with me."

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