You give them a nickname

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"Buff teddy bear" You made a nickname for him.

"Buff teddy bear?" Dio mumbled then looked over to Johnathan he didn't know what you two were talking about and just smiled "It actually fits."

"No he needs an amazing nickname like the most amazing majestic magnificent amazing man in the world!" Speedwagon exclaimed.

"That isn't a nickname that's a tittle Jojo is a good enough nickname" Dio added.

"Yeah let's keep it simple" You agreed.


"What's my nickname?" Joseph asked.

"Idiot" You answered straight away making him pout.

"What was uncle Ceasar's?" You asked interested.

"Pancake" Joseph answered.

"Pancake?" You said confused.

"He almost became one" Joseph explained and you were very concerned.


"Ocean man or dolphin man" You suggested.

Jotaro didn't mind those nicknames "How about deadbeat or dickhead?" Jolyne added.

Jotaro did mind those nicknames "Dinner is ready!" Holy exclaimed.

Your all visiting her and she insisted she makes dinner for you all, Jotaro was smiling once he had some of the food "Oh I have one mama's boy!" Jolyne exclaimed.

Jotaro glared at her, and she stuck her tongue at him.


You were having a contest on who can come up with the best nickname "Fix it Josuke!" Okuyasu yelled.

"Cinnamon roll," You said yours.

"Idiot" You mum added.

"Not Koichi" Yukako spoke up, and you all looked to her.

"You named everyone that didn't you?" You asked.

"Yes not Koichi's kid" She nodded.

"Do you have one?" Koichi asked Rohan.

"Waffle" Rohan answered without thinking then realised his mistake and started running.

"You don't need to run Josuke is shopping with Mr Joestar" Koichi yelled to him then we saw Josuke wasn't far behind Rohan.


"Siren" You gave her a nickname.

"Oh because I'm beautiful" Jolyne grinned.

"No your loud" You explained and she pouted.

"Queen and princess," Anasui told his nicknames for you two.

"Loveable idiot" You gave him one, and he hugged you.

"She said I'm loveable!" He yelled happily.


"Security camera for mum" You pointed at him he's at the corner looking around making sure the others aren't doing something stupid.

"Wine Aunt is Abbacchio" You pointed at him as he drank wine.

You saw Narancia taping Mista up to the chair he's sleeping in "Idiots" You sighed.

"Good name" Giorno added.

"Your Mudad," You told him.

"Mu?" He asked.

"You say Muda a lot mostly at night when your sleeping you just randomly yell it" You informed him.

Giorno was shocked at this new info.


"Your nickname? Well it's dad" You answered.

"No a nickname reflects who I am" Dio told you.

"I just like calling you dad" You admitted.

"You should add some words to it" Giorno suggested.

"Yes like-" Dio was smirking.

"Like deadbeat or loser or hopeless" Giorno grinned and Dio was frowning.

"Okay cake dad then" You decided, and he looked at you confused "What you love cakes?"

"No I don't" He was blushing embarrassed and looked away.

"I guess tsundere dad would be good as well" Giorno sighed.

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