They find you crying

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"What's wrong?" Johnathan asked concerned because tears are falling down your face.

"I missed you" You hugged his leg since he has been gone all day and you wanted to see him.

He cried making you panic "I'm sorry!" You both apologised.

He picked you up and hugged you, both of you were still crying because you both think you hurt each other's feelings.

"Jojos" Dio gagged.

"BEAUTIFUL!!" Speedwagon yelled and you both invited him to join the hug and he cried happily while hugging you two.


You're crying and he's crying and its just a mess.

"Why are you crying?" Caesar questioned Joseph while he ruffled your hair to comfort you.

"He's dead!" Joseph shouted.

"Who?!" Caesar asked.

"Him!" He pointed at the tv that was playing a children show.

"He's alive!" You shouted happily and you both hugged each other.

"You're such a kid" Caesar sighed.


He was stiff and was panicking on the inside since he doesn't want to make you cry even more and he doesn't know what to do to cheer you up.

He then got an idea from remembering what he did once when you were a baby and put his hat on your head.

You were confused to what was on your head and touched it to find out his hat is on your head and he was frightened when you started crying even more.

Star is crying as well now.

You got up and held up your arms, Jotaro immediately hugged you and Star ruffled your hair.

Jotaro laid down on the sofa with you on his chest and stayed like that until you fell asleep and he was relieved to see a smile on your face and wiped away the last of your tears.

He didn't want to wake you up so he fell asleep there as well and Star brought over a blanket and every dolphin plush he could find.


Josuke found you crying and he started crying with you "What happened?" Koichi asked when he found you two.

"I don't know" Josuke cried even more.

"I completed a game" You explained.

"Isn't that good?" Koichi asked confused seeing Josuke is hugging you now.

"But I want more, I miss the characters" You complained.

Jotaro came into the room and was confused to see Josuke rocking back and forth crying with you and he just walked out and Koichi followed after him.


You watched a documentary and a dolphin died making a couple of tears go down your face because you didn't expect it.

You heard a sound next to you and went to look and saw your mum inches from your face and she tackled you into a hug.

"It's okay!" She reassured you.

"Damn you tv!" Your dad appeared and yelled at the tv making you laugh.


You were in the office and your reading a really good part in a book that you found adorable and tears fell down your face.

You had to put down the book and wipe your tears, the door opened to show all the boys and they all panicked.

"We shouldn't have left you alone" Giorno moved your arms to check for wounds.

Abbacchio got some tissues and wiped your tears away "You're prettier when you're not crying."

"Was it this?" Mista held up the book you were reading and you nodded.

They all sighed in relief and you read the part to them that made you cry "THAT'S SO ADORABLE!!" Mista cried and Narancia is crying as well the rest sighed as Bucciarati took a picture of you all.


Your cake dropped onto the floor and Dio came to find you and he was immediately tense and concerned when he saw you crying.

"Who do I have to kill?" Dio asked you.

"My cake died" You pointed at it and he sighed in relief.

"I will go kill gravity later, first I need to get your smile back" He ruffled your hair.

"Let's get you another cake" He picked you up and wiped your tears and once he brought you another cake from the bakery you were smiling brightly and Dio smiled happy that you're not crying anymore.

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