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It was weird going into the off-season in October. But, celebrating being a World Series champion is something Christian thought he would never be doing. Especially with his family. He was blessed with an amazing career, three beautiful kids, and a beautiful wife. He wasn't sure how long he wanted to keep playing though, he wanted to be with his family, and watch the kids grow up.

Christian didn't want to miss anything from the kids and with Eiley and Sawyer growing up so fast, it felt like he was missing everything and he didn't want that to happen with Adelaide as well. He couldn't believe how fast they were all growing up, they were growing older and older before his eyes. 

He sat outside with his kids as they swam in the pool and Viviana was in there with Adelaide as she couldn't swim on her own yet. Sawyer had his cute floatees on and was slowly learning how to swim above water on his own.

"Daddy, look!" Eiley exclaimed before she jumped off the deck into the pool doing a cannonball.

"Holy cow, Eils! That's awesome!" He said before taking his sandals off and got in the pool going over by Vivi and Adelaide. "Hi, my pretty girls." Christian kissed Viviana's cheek.

Viviana smiled at him, "Hi, babe. Addy loves the water. She's having a blast." She giggled and splashed a little water, watching as Addy did the same thing. "You having fun, princess?"

Christian kissed Adelaide's cheek, "You're a natural already, baby girl!" He looked over, seeing Eiley and Sawyer splashing each other, "Hey, be careful with each other." 

Eiley smiled at Christian, "Daddy, we just playing! I not hurt him." She replied, swimming away from Sawyer. "Addy swim herself?" 

Vivi shook her head, "Not yet, baby! She's gotta take lessons just like you did! Then she'll be swimming right next to her big sister!" 

"She get floatees like Sawyer?" Eiley looked confused, seeing as though Viviana was just holding Adelaide and she didn't have floaters on her arms like Sawyer did.

"No, not yet. They don't make them small enough for her! So she either goes in her little sitting floaty or I carry her, or daddy carries her! I think she likes that better." Viviana told her daughter, "Babe, can you grab Adelaide's raft?" 

Christian nodded, going to get her raft and came back by them, helping Vivi get Adelaide into her raft. "Look at you, Ads! You're swimming all on your own! And you have your ducky!" He smiled, hearing Adelaide giggle and continue to splash the water. She was starting to say a couple of little babbling words, but nothing in full yet. 

Viviana held the raft, moving it around a little so Adelaide could feel like she was swimming on her own, "I love being able to put cute little swimsuits on her and these cute little hats." She smiled at Christian, "I remember being able to do that with Eiley, now she likes picking her own things."

"They're all growing up way too fast, they need to stop." He chuckled, "Want another one?"

Viviana widened her eyes, "I think three is enough, baby. As much as I love the kids, I think three is a perfect number for us."

Christian laughed, "I was joking, baby. I don't think we could handle another kid. Plus, I got eight more years of playing baseball, I can't have you going through that again and me missing more. I want to be able to be with the kids whenever I want." He turned, looking at Sawyer who splashed him and Christian splashed him back. 

"I mean, we're in the offseason now, which I'm glad about. We can spend a lot of time with the kids and maybe take them on trips. Maybe go to Miami and visit my family then go out to Cali?" Viviana suggested, "I think the kids would really like that. Plus, I think our parents would enjoy being able to see the kids." 

losin control; c. yelich. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now