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Christian finished getting the bag all packed up for the kids and made sure the stroller was set up, ready to go. He couldn't wait to tell his kiddos that they were going to spend the day at Disney with Mickey Mouse.

Eiley walked out in her outfit and looked at Christian, "Daddy, I got Donald in my shirt!" She giggled, doing a little twirl.

"Yeah, Princess! Wanna know why I picked that outfit?" He asked her, crouching down to her height. She nodded quick and kept her eyes on him. "Well, you get to meet Donald Duck today!"

She gasped, "No way, daddy! I meet Donald?! No way!!" She hugged Christian tightly, causing him to fall back on his butt, laughing. "I weally do?"

He nodded, "Yeah! You get to meet Donald and Mickey and Goofy! We're gonna go to Disney World with your momma and baby brother!" He kissed her cheek, "Are you super excited?"

"Yes, daddy! Mommy know?"

"She does! Why don't you go see if she's ready?" He suggested, standing up, "I gotta finish getting everything together."

Eiley nodded quickly, running in by Viviana who was finishing up her makeup and looked at her mom, "Mommy! We go meet Donald!!"

Viviana looked down at Eiley and smiled, "Daddy told you? Are you so excited?" She asked her, earning another big nod. "You and Sawyer get to meet all your favorites today!"

Eiley giggled, "Oh, mommy, thank you!"

"You are so welcome, babygirl! But don't thank me! Nana surprised us with the tickets to meet Donald!" Viviana tells her daughter as she sets down her makeup and picked up Eiley. "And your little baby sibling, even though they're too tiny and still in momma's tummy."

"They meet Donald too, mommy. It's okay!" Eiley said, wrapping her arms around Viviana's neck.

Viviana laughed and kissed Eiley's cheek, "You are so cute, Eils. We're gonna have lots of fun today." She walked out into the living room, smiling at Christian, "She's ready to go meet her favorite duck."

Christian laughed, zipping up the kids' bag, "She was so excited, she knocked me over." He looked over at Sawyer, "He's pretty excited too."

"Daddy! Sawyer meet Donald too!" Eiley said, pointing at her brother, "He meet Mickey too!"

"Yeah, princess! We all get to!" Christian said, smiling at her. "Its going to be so much fun."


Christian held Eiley's hand as they walked through the park as Viviana pushed the stroller with Sawyer in it. She figured it would take some pressure off of her body if she was pushing the stroller.

"Daddy! Daddy! Look!" Eiley jumped up and down, pointing over to the line where Donald Duck stood. "Daddy! We have to go!!" She started tugging Christian in that direction and he just shrugged, walking over there.

"You okay with waiting?" Christian asked Viviana, "I can stand in line if you wanna go sit on a bench and wait.."

Viviana nodded, "I'm gonna go sit down with Sawyer." She smiled small before going to sit down on a bench, swaying the stroller back and forth as Sawyer just smiled at Vivi, "Hi handsome boy! Are you having fun?" She smiled, poking his tummy.

Eiley ran back about twenty minutes later, "Momma!! I met Donald!!" She smiled so big, "He give me a big hug!!"

Viviana smiled at Eiley, "Oh my goodness, Eiley Rose! Was he super cool?" She looked up at Christian, "I am assuming she had a blast?"

"Oh, for sure. She was on cloud nine." Christian chuckled, "She ran up to him and gave him a big hug. The photopass lady said that she was the cutest girl she's seen in a while."

"I am so happy for you, Eils! Why don't we go walk around and see if we can find some treats?" Viviana suggested, standing up as Christian grabbed Eiley's hand, "I got it, babe." She said as Christian was going to reach for the stroller.

"You sure? I can push the stroller for a bit if you want to just freely walk.." Christian said, trying to make sure that Viviana was comfortable and not stressed.

Viviana nodded, beginning to push the stroller. It really did help take some pressure off when walking as she could tell her feet were going to be swollen by the end of the night.


When it came time for fireworks, Christian had sat Eiley up on his shoulders so she could have a good view for the show. Viviana had put a pair of soundproof headphones on Sawyer due to the sounds being so loud during the fireworks show. She was exhausted, though; Ready to call it a night and just be in bed. But she wanted to make sure Eiley had a great end to her day at Disney, the pregnancy tiredness could wait.

Once Eiley had fallen asleep sitting on Christians shoulders, they started to walk out to the ferry boat. It definitely was the greatest day of Eiley's life and it made Viviana so happy knowing how excited and pleased her daughter was to meet some of her favorite Disney characters. All she wanted for her kids was happiness.

"Momma, Wiley..." Sawyer pointed at Eiley who was being held by Christian and sleeping against his chest.

"She's sleeping, buddy. She's pooped out." She fixed Sawyers hat, "Did you have lots of fun?" Sawyer nodded and Vivi smiled at her son, "Good, Bubs! I am sure you're ready to get back home and go to bed, huh?"

Christian looked over at Viviana and smiled, "I think these two had a great day, what do you think?"

Viviana nods, "Oh, for sure. I definitely had a good day too.." She says before she kisses his cheek, gently. "I can't wait to get home and lay in bed, my feet hurt so bad.."

"You want me to give you a massage when we get home?" Christian asked, noticing how the pain was starting to affect Viviana's mood.

She nodded, "I would love that, baby.." She replied, leaning her head against him.

Once they got home, she got the kids to bed with Christian's assistance and she was quick to get her makeup off and into some comfier clothing before she laid in bed.

"Oh my god, what a day.." Viviana says as she looks over at Christian who changed into a pair of sweats before climbing in bed.

"I think the kids' lives are made," He said with a chuckle, "Definitely Eiley. I thought she was going to explode with excitement." He wrapped his arms around Viviana and kissed the side of her head.

"Her eyes were so big and bright, I am glad that we could take the kids there. I've always wanted to go there with you, and being able to take the kids with us was just a bonus." Viviana told him, laying her head on his shoulder.

It was a day to remember for the family, and being able to make new memories and bring happiness and joy to the kids was all Christian and Viviana wanted.

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