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Christian got up in the middle of the night when he heard Eiley having another nightmare and calling for her mommy and daddy. He was fine getting up in the late hours of the night, Viviana needed to rest and get as much as sleep as she could. This pregnancy was really taking a toll on her sleep schedule.

He was scheduled to fly out to California for a week to work on business factors and he truly dreaded it. Christian hated leaving Viviana, especially with her being pregnant. Sure, her sister lived near, but it wasn't the same. He's the father of the precious baby boy that Vivi is carrying and he needed to be there for his wife, daughter and son.

"C'mere, princess." Christian picked up his daughter who was distraught and sniffling after crying from her nightmare, "You can come sleep with me and momma.." He kissed her head softly as she laid her head against her dad's shoulder as he carried her back into his bedroom. He loved his daughter so much and he couldn't wait to see how amazing of a big sister she was going to be to her little brother.


Viviana's phone went off early in the morning from a call. The noise blared into Christian's ear as he woke up, making sure Eiley was still asleep or at least trying to fall back asleep after that loud ringtone went off.

"Who was that?" He asked quietly, sighing as he ran his fingers through his daughter's brunette hair.

"My mom...I don't know why she's calling so early.." Viviana sighed, turning the ringer off of her phone and looked over, seeing her daughter laying in the middle of the couple, "When did she get in here? Is everything okay?" She asked with concern, kissing Eiley's forehead.

He nodded, "She just had a bad dream and wouldn't let me go back to bed without taking her with." He said, softly as he placed a hand on Viviana's growing bump, "How's the little man?"

"He's doing good, hasn't made me mad or irritated yet, so he's starting off on a good note," She laughed quietly, putting her hand over Christian's.

Eiley stirred awake, cuddling into Christian's chest as she tried pulling up the blanket. "It too bright, daddy.." She whined and covered her face.

Christian smiled, rubbing Eiley's back, "But, your momma wants to see your beautiful face!" Eiley looked up at Christian then turned to look at Viviana and smiled.

"Hi, momma!" Eiley exclaimed, giggling and kissed her mother's cheek.

"Hi, princess. Did you sleep better in our bed?" Viviana asked, kissing Eiley's cheek. "Daddy told me you had a bad dream..."

Eiley nodded, "Scarewy, momma..The boogey man tried to take you and my bubby.."

Viviana frowned, "Oh no, baby. We're staying right here! We aren't leaving. Me and your little bubby are right here for you." She smiled small, seeing how her daughter was calm when Viviana reassured her. "I love you so much, princess."

"I wuv you, momma. So big!" Eiley said as she laid her head back on Christian's chest. "And I wuv daddy too, so big."

Christian ran his fingers through Eiley's hair, smiling, "I love you, Eiley Rose." He was so in love with his family, and he wanted to make sure they knew that.


Christian was at batting practice, not really performing his best. He knew he could do better, but was unsure why he was lacking.

"Hey man, you feeling okay?" Travis asked him as Christian set down his bat, shaking his head as he took a sip of water.

"I don't know what's going on, I'm usually not having this bad of a day." Christian replied, sighing.

Travis nodded, "Are you still over-stressing about leaving Viviana and Eiley at home? You know Viviana's fine, and Eiley's a big girl, she can be a little independent girl and help out her mom if she needs it."

Christian nodded in response, "Oh, I know. Eiley's a great help for Vi when I'm not home, especially during this pregnancy. I think she's starting to understand that Viviana can't really do everything she wants her to do because the little guy is growing." Christian laughed, "But it's cute to see Eiley try."

"Have you guys thought about names for the little man?" Travis asked Christian who placed the water bottle in his back pocket, nodding.

"Yeah, actually. I'm sure she doesn't want me telling anyone, but you're one of my best friends." Christian laughed, "We decided on the name Sawyer. Her mom actually helped us with that." He smiled, "Sawyer Ryan Yelich."

"Oh, going with Ryan for the middle name?" Travis asked, perking the attention of Ryan who walked over.

"I heard my name.." He laughed, "What's going on?"

Christian laughed, "I was just telling Travis the name of my little guy."

"Oh shit, yeah! What did you decide on? You had told me you were struggling and wanted to consult with Viviana." Ryan replied, patting Christian's back.

"We were talking to her mom and her mom actually helped us pick out the name Sawyer. Then Viviana and I did some talking after we were done talking to her mom to discuss middle names, and we decided on Sawyer Ryan Yelich." When Ryan heard his name, his smile beamed.

"Hey, I like the middle name." He chuckled, "That's awesome, crazy you're having a boy. Can't wait to see him out in the batting cages." Christian rolled his eyes and laughed, shaking his head. He talked with his two friends for a little bit longer before he headed to the clubhouse to shower up and get home to his wife and daughter.


Viviana was cooking dinner and playing music in the kitchen while her and Eiley danced around, singing to the music as they prepared the meal. Christian walked in, taking his shoes off and heard his two favorite girls giggling and having a great time.

"If I was your boyfriend, I'd never let you go! Keep you on my arm girl, you'd never be alone!" He could hear his wife and daughter singing obnoxiously as he walked into the kitchen and just shook his head.

"Justin Bieber? Really?" He laughed, Eiley stopped dancing and smiled big, running to him. "Hi, angel." He said, picking her up and kissed her cheek.

"Hey, he has a great voice." Viviana said before laughing and turned the music down. "How was your day?" She asked, looking at her husband who coddled their daughter in his arms.

"It was good! Had a couple of meetings then I went to practice and physical therapy for a while." Christian smiled, setting Eiley down and walked by Viviana, wrapping his arms around her, "How were my girls? And the little guy.." He laughed, kissing her cheek.

Viviana giggled, looking back at him, "We had a great day! Eiley and I did a little cleaning, went and got some lunch and then came home and watched Monsters Inc." She smiled at her husband, "Overall a great day," She said before going back to cooking dinner.


Later that night, the couple went into their bedroom and Viviana changed into a baggy, oversized t-shirt. Her bump was becoming more prominent as the weeks crept closer to her due date. "I can't believe how big he's getting.."

Christian smiled as he sat on the bed, "I can't believe how big your bump is." He looked over at his wife, who was putting lotion on her belly. He was so in awe, so in love with the way she looked, she was beautiful.

"It looks huge because I'm so tiny." Viviana giggled, getting in bed next to Christian and pulled the blankets up. "But, yeah, it's crazy how fast he's growing! He's gonna be here so soon..." She smiled, kissing her husbands cheek.

"Can't wait to meet our little man, can't wait to show him the world." Christian replies, putting his hand on Viviana's belly as he pulled her closer to him and cuddled her near, allowing the love of his life to fall asleep in his arms.

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