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Viviana and Eiley sat in the living room, watching movies as Christian had been gone all day for work and an evening game. He was going out with some friends after the game, which he needed. Christian needed to get out and be a little stress free. No worries about his family, Viviana had it handled.

"Momma...Bubby cwying.." Eiley said, looking up at her. Viviana nodded, getting up and walked into Sawyer's room, frowning as she picked him up.

"Hey, what's going on?" Viviana cradled Sawyer in her arms, kissing his head. "You're okay, momma's got you.." She whispered, rocking back and forth as she held her son close to her. "Here, you can come out by me and big sissy." She walked out with Sawyer in her arms. "He's gonna watch the movies with us, Eils." She laid on the couch and put Sawyer on her chest as he laid there, slowly falling back asleep.

Christian came home about two hours later and Viviana, Eiley, and Sawyer were all asleep on the couch. He smiled to himself, walking into where they were and picked up Eiley carefully and carried her into her room. He got her to bed before going to grab Sawyer and put him in the bassinet that was in his and Viviana's bedroom, so they could keep a close eye on him. When he got back out to the living room, he kissed Viviana's cheek before picking her up bridal style and carried her to bed. He laid her down, getting her tucked in before she stirred awake and looked over at him.

"Hi, where are the kids..?" Viviana asked as she sat up, rubbing her eyes, "What time is it?"

Christian looked over at her, "It's almost midnight, babe. They're both in bed, Sawyer's right there.." He pointed over to the bassinet. "And Eiley's in her room." He moved to wrap his arms around her. "Everything went okay?" He asked her, kissing her cheek again.

Viviana nodded, "Sawyer was a little fussy, but he laid with Eiley and I as we watched Disney Princess movies and I don't even remember falling asleep," She laughed quietly, laying her head against him, "Did you guys win?"

"We did. I got two homers and then me, Ryan, Travis, Lo, Jacob, Zach, and Mike all went out for a couple drinks. I didn't let myself get too crazy, I wanted to come home and be with you." He replied as he pulled the blanket up. "I'm glad everything went okay for you."

"You needed a little night for you and the guys, babe. I'm glad you had fun." Viviana smiled and kissed him, softly. She pulled away and ran her fingers through his curls, "I think I wanna bring Sawyer to the game tomorrow.."

Christian nodded, a huge smile growing on his lips, "Yeah, baby, please! I want the guys to meet him and I'm sure Eiley would love if her brother came with us."

Viviana smiled, "I was thinking about it, I just didn't know what you would say. I know he's still a little guy, but we were bringing Eiley at this age." She mentioned, looking over at her son who slept peacefully. "I think it'll be cool and fun.."

"I agree, babe." Christian replied, "Everyone will love him." He chuckled, shaking his head, "He's gonna be a chick magnet."

"Oh, definitely. His daddy got all the ladies, and if people know Christian Yelich is his dad? That'll be a bonus for him. Most popular kid in school." Viviana giggled, "But, at the same time, I don't want him to have friends just because you're his dad, y'know? I want him to be his own person. Sawyer Yelich, the beautiful boy who just so happens to have a professional baseball player as his dad."

Christian nodded, "I agree. That's how I am with Eiley. When we send her to school, my biggest thing is people just wanting to be her friend because I'm her dad. Because they probably will put two and two together and if she's wearing a Yelich jersey, and people find out her last name is Yelich.." He told Viviana, sighing.

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