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"Well? If it isn't the MVP Yeli himself." A member of the Marlins, Starlin Castro said, approaching Christian and Vivi back in the clubhouse. "And you got your girl with you? Long time no see!" He patted Christian on the back, giving Viviana a hug.

Christian laughed, putting his hands in his pockets, "Definitely feels weird to be here in a different uniform.." He said, rocking back and forth on his heels.

"I bet, dude. Weird seeing you in blue and not black and orange." Castro stated, "But you rock it." He laughed, "Plus it got you an MVP title."

Christian nodded, moving to wrap an arm around Vivi who leaned against him. "I mean, I still have the uniform." He laughed, "I'll come play for a game, mess everyone up and make people think I got traded back." He talked to his friend for a couple more minutes before going in the visiting team clubhouse with Viviana.

"I still think it's weird being here and not being in the home team's clubhouse." Vivi said, looking up at Christian as they sat down on a couch. "At least they're all still nice to you.."

"Yeah, I thought for a long time that they would be really salty when I left and then had a good first season in Milwaukee..." Christian replied, pulling Vivi close. "But, I got the same beautiful girl supporting me and that's all that matters, right?" He asked, kissing her head.

Vivi blushes and nodded, "You aren't getting anyone else. You're stuck with me." She giggled, running her fingers through his hair. "I think it's fun though, we have basically like gone through this together. I was there with you when you got traded to Milwaukee, there when you got your MVP title, and I'm still here supporting my favorite baseball player." She smiled at him, continuing to play with his hair.

He nodded, "Even when I'm being difficult." Christian said, smiling at Vivi who just rolled her eyes, smiling at him. "Don't know why you haven't left me yet."

"Why would I leave you for that?" Vivi asked, laughing. "That's what makes us different; We have our quirks, and we have the things that tick each other off, but we work those out between the two of us and still find ways to fall for each other every day.."

"You're being a sap." He laughed, getting up and walked over to his locker, "I'm gonna change then I'll be back and you can walk out with me." Christian said as Vivi nodded, grabbing her phone and scrolled through social media and her texts as she waited for Christian.

Once Christian walked back, he held out his hands for Viviana to take and she stood up, taking his hands and smiled at him, "Look at you all cute in your uniform." She said, giggling as they walked out of the locker room and down the hall. "Remember walking down this hall in your Marlins uniform?" Viv asked, swinging their arms.

"It definitely is a weird, different feeling." Christian looked over at Viv, "Brings back memories for sure.." He stated, kissing her hand as they walked. Once they got to the dugout entrance, he pulled her close and kissed her. Viv put her hand on his cheek, kissing him back and pulled away after a moment.

The wave of memories flowed Viviana's mind; Walking down these halls with him when he was a Marlin, and how nervous she was being his girlfriend, and being around all of the teammates and adjusting to being a name in the spotlight. She remembered the first time she was in the clubhouse with Christian once they were an official couple. How quiet she was, how scared she was to talk to anyone, just wanted to be with Christian. How they walked down these halls together before he would go into the dugout for the game, hand-in-hand, falling crazily in love for one another.

These halls were where Christian told Viviana he loved her for the first time, where they shared one of their first kisses together, so much love and memories were made here. Crazy to think how much time had changed.

"Good luck today, baby." Viv said, pecking his lips, "You're gonna do amazing, I promise."

"Thank you, babe." Christian replied, hugging her. "Where are you sitting?" He asked, looking down at her.

"I'm in right field, lower bleachers, so I'm close to my boy when he's out there." Vivi smiled all cute at him. "I'll make sure to wave at you.." She said before kissing him again and then walked to her seat.


After the game, Viv could tell that Christian's back was bugging him again. She walked into the locker room, walking over by Christian, who was sitting and changing his shoes. She kissed his head and ran her fingers through his hair. "Hi, baby..." She said quietly, and he turned around to face her. "You feeling okay..?" She asked as she kept running her fingers through his curls.

"Back's just feeling sore.." He replied, kissing her cheek when she leaned down towards him. "Just gonna grab a heat pack and put it on and go take it easy tonight.." Christian said as he slid his sweatshirt on and stood up, grabbing his bag. Viviana grabbed it out of his hands, carrying it for her. "Babe, that's heavy, I can carry it.."

She shook her head, "No way. Your back is sore, and I don't want you putting more weight on it that's unnecessary. I will carry it for you." She said, taking his hand with her open hand and walked out to the parking lot to the car. "Once we get back to my house, you're laying down and resting. No playing around or anything. You're bed-ridden for the rest of the night." Vivi stated.

"Yes ma'am.." Christian said, nodding and gave her hand a light squeeze. "Will you try and rub my back? I don't know if I'm going to be able to handle much like the other night, but it's always worth the try. Plus, your hands have magic in them.." He said, chuckling and opened the driver door.

Vivi stepped in front of him, "I will drive. You, passenger side." She said, pointing to the other side of the car as he sighed and walked to the passenger side, getting in and buckled himself in. Vivi climbed in the driver's seat and drove them back to her house.

When they got back, she left his bag in the car and walked with him inside. They got to her bedroom and helped him take off his hoodie and helped him to the bed. "Lay on your tummy.." She said, changing into some shorts and one of Christian's long sleeved shirts. Vivi carefully sat on Christian's lower back, near his butt and ran her hands over his back, feeling where his back was tensed and knotted. "I don't know how you even function with this. Your back feels so tense and knotted up..."

Christian took a deep breath, laying his head on his arms, "Usually it doesn't bug me a lot, but lately it has been, and I don't know why. I stretch my back, and make sure my body is loose and warmed up before I go and play a game or even go into practice.." He said, closing his eyes, "I just don't want it to fuck up before postseason..."

Vivi rubbed out a knot and kissed his shoulder. "I'm sorry it's been bugging you, baby... I wish there was more that I could do..."

"You just rubbing out the knots makes it feel better already. I can't reach back there so I'm grateful that I have you to help me out.." Christian explained as he winced up when Viviana rubbed out another knot. "I am glad to get back to Milwaukee so we can just lay down and relax because I have a couple of days off.."

Vivi nodded, continuing to rub his back. "Yeah, that'll be nice. Maybe we should go see your trainer and see what they say.."

"Yeah, I'll probably do that once we land, because I have to stop at the stadium anyways, so might as well just check to see my back is okay and not too bad.."

Vivi kissed his back and moved to lay next to him. "I hope it's nothing too bad, baby." She kissed his cheek, "I know you're wanting to the finish the season strong and make sure you do good. Which isn't hard for you," She giggled, "You're a winner to me always." Christian smiled at her, wrapping his arms around her and pulled her close.

"It's fun being with your number one fan, I always have the best support no matter what."

(HELLO!!! Thank you so much for your feedback and reads on both of my active fics!! I did start a new one called "swipe right" if you want to check that one out too!! Again thank you!!)

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