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Viviana and Christian decided to fly them and the kids out to California to be with Christian's family for Thanksgiving. Viviana's family would be flying out the next day to join them for the big family dinner. It was definitely a bittersweet moment with the family, as this was the first time Sawyer would be flying out to see family and Eiley hadn't seen Christian's family in a while, it was a needed thing.

"Babe, I really am happy we're here.." Viviana smiled, wrapping her arms around Christian as they sat outside on the back patio. "I missed it out here.."

Christian looked back at his wife, nodding, "I definitely am glad we came out here. I needed to be with family, missed them.." He said, kissing Vivi's cheek. "I think it'll be good for the kids too, they need to be with our families. I can't wait to see your mom and dad tomorrow."

Viviana smiled, nodding, "I can't wait, either! I miss my momma.." She replied, looking at Christian, "Eiley was so happy to see your mom again and Cameron. She always liked Cameron more than Collin," She giggled, "I don't blame her,"

Christian laughed, shaking his head, "Collin loves Sawyer, I think it's cool, honestly. They both are close to one of my brothers, which is something I really wanted. I really appreciate that my brothers love our kids so much." He rubbed Vivi's side as he smiled, seeing his dog Cooper come by them, "And I really missed this little shit," He laughed as Cooper licked all over his face, "Yes, buddy, I know, I missed you too." Viviana giggled, petting Cooper as he just showered the couple in love.

"Cooper, get off of them!" Alecia said as she walked outside, "Sorry, guys. Guess he's just excited to see you two." She laughed, "Now that the kiddos are occupied with your brothers, I guess we can finally just sit down and talk,"

"Whatcha wanna talk about?" Christian asked his mother, sitting up as he still kept his arms around Viviana.

"Just wanted to see how you two are doing. I know you two have been trying to balance life and work and whatnot." Alecia said, "I'm glad that you two flew out here though, I was missing you guys and the kids. Sawyer's gotten so big!"

Vivi nodded, "I know, he's growing way too fast. But, Eiley is such an amazing help with him. When I was in London for a week, Eiley helped Christian out so much. She's so little, but she loves helping out around the house." She smiled, looking at Christian then at Alecia, "I really do appreciate everything she does, even though she's only three. Can't believe she's going to be three and a half soon.."

"Crazy how you guys already have two kiddos. I remember when you guys told us that you were having Eiley! I'll never forget that day. My oldest boy's growing up too fast.." Alecia said, chuckling. "I'm proud of you two, you guys have grown into responsible adults and amazing parents.."

Christian smiled at Alecia, shaking his head, "Thanks mom, still crazy to us, too." He looked at Viviana, leaning over to kiss her cheek, "If anyone should be proud, it's this lady right here. Vivi is an amazing mom, I don't know how she does it,"

Viviana can't help but blush at her husband's words. She'll never get over the compliments and the encouraging words from him. She got so lucky when it came to him.

"Oh stop, you're an amazing dad, you know that." She replied, wrapping her arms around his neck, "And an amazing husband at that," She smiled at him. "I really am appreciative of Christian's help. I don't think I would be able to do this alone, it would definitely be a stressful one at that," She laughed, kissing Christian's jawline.

"You two are so in love, I'll never get over that. I always wanted someone who would make Christian smile all the time, and I think he's found that girl," Alecia said, admiring the couple and how smiley they were with one another, "You definitely deserve one another and I don't think I would want anyone else for my son..." She said, looking at Viviana, "You really do make him a better man.."

losin control; c. yelich. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now