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Christian had an off day today meaning that it was family time for him, Viviana and little Eiley. He couldn't believe how fast Eiley was growing up and how much she was learning. He would miss some moments due to him being gone, but, he got to experience so much along Eiley's life.

Viviana walked in Eiley's room in her pajamas when she woke up. "Eiley, bug! Why are you awake so early?" She picked her up as she was crying and visibly upset.

Eiley sniffled and laid her head on Vivi's shoulder, "Mama..." She whined out as she wrapped her arms around Viviana's neck. "Wiff you...Daddy.." She said as Vivi rubbed her back.

"You can come lay with us, baby, of course." She kissed Eiley's head and walked in the bedroom. Christian sat up and looked at them, "Everything okay?" He asked as Viviana sat down, still holding Eiley.

"She just was crying and wanted to be held and asked for you and me.. I don't know if she had a bad dream, but I told her she could come lay with us.." Viviana replied, sitting Eiley in between the two of them. Eiley laid her head down on Christian's arm. Vivi smiled small, laying down back on her side of the bed and looked over at Eiley, "You okay, buggy?" She asked Eiley.

Eiley looked at Viv and did a little nod. Christian moved Eiley so her head was on his chest and he wrapped his arm around the little girl. Eiley instantly got comfy, closing her eyes. "She just needed her parents.." Christian said, rubbing Eiley's side lightly.

Viviana nodded, pulling the blankets up, "I went in there and asked her why she was awake so early and she just instantly wrapped her arms around me and laid her head down, usually meaning she was still tired but wanted me.." She told him, leaning over to kiss Eiley's head. "She's been waking up at like really early hours lately.."

Christian sighed, "Hm, I wonder what's going on. It could be adjusting to new changes and whatnot. I mean, she can't really tell us in full sentences, but, I think she's just going through that phase where she just wants to have her mom and dad with her. I read something about that online and my mom said expect that." He said, looking at Eiley then at Viviana, "I don't mind it, makes me feel a little better knowing that she feels secure and safe with us."

Viviana nodded, "I just think it's adorable how big of a daddy's girl she is." She smiled, "She adores you and always asks where you are when you're at practice or when you have games." Eiley was sleeping against Christian, sucking her thumb and holding her blanket. "That's adorable..."

Christian smiled and kept rubbing her back lightly. "We made a damn cute kid." He said, looking at Vivi who leaned over and kissed him. He kissed her back, smiling against her lips as he pulled away. "She literally is like a mix of you and me..She's got some of your personality traits and some of mine and it's so cute. Especially when she thinks it's totally okay to bounce up and down in her crib at five in the morning singing very loudly," Christian laughed, shaking his head.

"She's just letting everyone know she's awake and wants attention." Viviana giggled, looking at Eiley, then at Christian, "She loves singing, and dancing! She's starting to figure out like how to wiggle her hips and she claps her hands to music when I have it on or it's on the TV when she's watching her shows. Eiley's a very smart girl.." Vivi ran her fingers through Eiley's curls, kissing her forehead gently. 

"How many kids do you want?" Christian asked, looking at Viviana.

She shrugged, "I don't know, I don't want Eiley to be an only child, if that's what you're asking.." Vivi laughed, "Maybe two? Three? I mean, anything past two is just impossible with our careers.." She said, looking at him, "How many did you want?"

"I was thinking two; I mean, the more the merrier to me, but, you're right with our careers. Just isn't a feasible option.." Christian replied, "But I agree with you on not wanting Eiley to be an only child..I want her to grow up with a best friend, y'know?" He said, looking down at Eiley who had moved slightly. "I always feel horrible when we both have to leave and she can't come with us...Makes me feel like a shitty parent.." 

Viviana frowned; She didn't really know how Christian felt about being a dad, let alone know he was feeling this. She tilted his chin up to look at her, "You're the most amazing father any child could ask for, Chris. I am so happy that Eiley has you as her father, because I wouldn't want anyone else to be her dad." She kissed his cheek, "Eiley adores you, and admires you. She's definitely a daddy's girl and I have no problem with that.." 

Christian sighed, "Just a thought that runs through my head, and I know I shouldn't let it get to me, but sometimes it does...I just want the best for you and for Eiley." He took a deep breath, running his fingers through Vivi's hair. 

"Don't let it get to you, baby boy..." Vivi replied, looking at him. "There's no one else I would want in my life and I'm sure Eiley would say the same thing if she could talk," She laughed quietly, "If there was a father of the year award? You would definitely win it. You somehow juggle your career, your personal life so well, it almost makes me jealous." 

"I've got to learn to do it somehow. I mean, I'm partially the reason Eiley's here today.." He laughed, "I don't want to have a jumbled life, I like to keep things organized.." 

Viviana rubbed his arm gently, "I know you do. You do keep things organized, unless you're packing, then you're super messy.." She giggled, "I love you with every fiber of love my heart allows." She told him, kissing his hand. "You are the most incredible person."

Christian shook his head, "No way, that's all you. You are an incredible mother, incredible human, you never cease to amaze me. You are amazing." 

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