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liked by brewers, vivianayelich, camyeli, and 383,494 others.

christianyelich: crazy to think that these two are getting so big. eils is almost four, sawyer's turning one, and so much more is happening. life is crazy, but definitely blessed for what's going on.

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username: "so much more is happening" WHAT DOES THIS MEAN
username2: pls tell me ur having another kid
moosetacos8: damn! i remember when those kids were born!
>christianyelich: moosetacos8 right! cant wait to get sawyer in the cages.
username3: i love this family so much
vivianayelich: love you love you love you.


Sawyer's first birthday was finally here and Viviana wanted it to be perfect. She hadn't announced the pregnancy to anyone yet, only her and Christian knew the news. She wasn't ready to tell anyone.

"Babe, what can I do to help?" Christian asked as Viviana finished setting out some fruit trays on the counter and looked at him.

"You can grab the cake," Viviana said, kissing his lips softly. She smiled as Christian nodded, grabbing the cake out of the freezer, setting it on the counter. It was a beautiful two-tiered cake, something that would be able to feed all of these guests that were coming for Sawyer's big day.

When everyone started arriving, Viviana mingled with the family members that showed up. Christian's family even flew from across the country to make sure they were there to celebrate with Sawyer, they wouldn't want to miss the first birthday.

"Can't believe he's a year old already! I remember when he was born.." Alecia told Viviana, taking a drink from her cup.

Vivi nodded, "It's crazy," She sighed, thinking to herself for a moment before pulling Alecia aside, "I haven't told anyone else this yet, and I don't want Christian or myself to tell anyone else yet but.." She took a deep breath, "I'm pregnant again.."

Alecia's eyes widened, "You're serious?" she asked, "Vivi, when did you find out?"

"A couple of days ago. I was feeling awful and I know that Christian and I weren't using protection and I just felt I needed to take a test, and it came out positive.." Vivi sighed again, almost relieved that she told someone else that wasn't Christian. She trusted Alecia, so she felt right in telling her.

"Oh my goodness, Vi." Alecia said, "How did Christian take the news?"

"He was actually really happy about it, which surprised me. We had literally talked about having another kid and I knew that he wasn't ready for it. Our schedules are too crazy, and I know we're in the off-season, but Christian's still going to be training." Viviana explained, sitting down at a table.

Alecia nodded, listening to what Viviana had to say, "You two are going to be fine, I'm sure of it. You have handled Sawyer and Eiley no problem. Sometimes, it just happens at unexpected times." She shrugged, "Christian definitely wasn't a planned kid," She chuckled, "And he's my eldest."

Viviana laughed, "That's funny," she said, "But thank you for being so understanding...I just really didn't know who to tell. I have yet to tell my own mother, but, I know her big mouth wouldn't be able to keep it a secret."

"Understandable, hon." She hugged Viviana, "I'm happy for you two! Another little baby to add to the bunch. I bet the other two are going to be so excited to hear.."

"I hope so."


After the party, Viviana was cleaning up when Christian came in the kitchen, walking up behind her and moved her to the side.

"I got this, babe. You go rest.." he told her, kissing her cheek.

"Baby, I'm fine, let me help.." She insisted, moving back to finish what she was doing.

Christian sighed, "You've done so much today, Vi. You deserve to go lay down and rest.."

Viviana grabbed Christian's hands, "I appreciate the concern, babe, I really do, but I'm fine. I'm not tired yet." She looked in his eyes, "You can help me. We can do it together as a team.." she said, smiling softly at him.

He nodded, "Fine, deal."

The two finished cleaning up before he grabbed Viviana's hand and walked up the stairs with her to their bedroom, closing the door behind them. "You're so beautiful.." Christian said quietly, kissing Viviana's forehead.

Vivi blushed, shaking her head, "Baby.."

"I mean it." Christian looked at her, "And you got a beautiful little baby growing in you.." He put his hands on her tummy, "Crazy.."

"Still really hasn't hit me yet that I'm gonna be a mom of three..." She told him, sitting down on their bed, pulling him down with her. "I want to tell Sawyer and Eils in a cute way. Like get them shirts or something.." she shrugged, thinking of ways she could let her other two kiddos know they were going to have a new sibling in a couple of months.

Christian shrugged, "I don't know, babe. Maybe we can look up some ideas or something," he suggested, "I'm sure Eiley will be excited no matter what.." he said as he leaned forward and kissed her lips lightly.

Viviana pulled back from the kiss and nodded, "Thank you for being so supportive.." she reached her hand for his, intertwining their fingers together. "I really don't know what I would do without you.."

"No need to thank me," Christian said, giving her hand a light squeeze, "I'm always going to be there for you. We're married, remember? Till death do us part." He told her, bringing her hand to his lips to kiss it gently, "I want to make sure you're always smiling and never dissatisfied or anything in that manner. We're going to get through this together.."

She nodded, moving to take off her jeans and slide into one of Christian's hoodies before getting under the covers. "I would really appreciate if my husband cuddled with me.."

Christian smiled at her, changing into a pair of sweats and a t-shirt before getting under the covers next to his wife and pulled her close against his chest. "This good for you?" He asked, kissing her forehead.

"This is perfect." Vivi replied, snuggling against him. "You're perfect."

"You're just saying that." Christian said.

Vivi shook her head, "I mean it, C. You are the most perfect man in this universe. I got really lucky."

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