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Christian woke the next morning, his hands traveling down to Viviana's belly. He still couldn't believe he was going to be a dad; Especially one with Viviana. Their miracle was growing in Viv and it was something he never thought would happen, let alone so soon.

Vivi shifted in bed, pressing her ass against Christian's crotch. She knew he was awake, this was just to give him a little teaser and boy did he let her know he knew what she was doing.

"Mm, morning..." He hummed against her neck, kissing it gently and soft, "Trying to get me riled up already?" He asked, Vivi turned her head back to look at him with a smirk on her face. "I know what you're doing, babygirl.."

Vivi giggles quietly, "What am I doing? I am just cuddling with my man.." She told him, giggling more.

"You're so beautiful, baby.." Christian whispered as he grabbed her hips, turning her around and looked her in the eyes. Viviana giggled quietly, moving to sit up on his hips.

"Oh, shush your mouth." She blushed, playing with a curl at the front of his head.

His hands roamed around her body, taking in every inch of beauty. Even with a small bump, Christian was so in awe of how gorgeous his girl was, and always wondered how he got so lucky when it came to landing her. He pulled her down for a kiss, kissing her passionately.

Viviana kissed him back, placing both of her hands on his cheeks, returning the passion and love in the kiss. She was so in love with this man.

Christian pulled away from the kiss, looking in her eyes, "How about we get in the shower? I have to get to practice, figured my girl could come with me.." Christian said as Viviana got off of him and moved so he could get out of bed. He held his hands out, Vivi took them and he pulled her off of the bed and into his arms. "I love you, beautiful." He said softly, walking with her into the bathroom to take a shower.


The two walked into Miller Park hand-in-hand like usual. Christian hadn't told many of his teammates yet about the pregnancy except for a select few who were keeping it secret until he was ready to announce it. The team was getting ready to head out to Arizona for spring training; Something Vivi was dreading. She wasn't ready for him to leave her for six weeks, she would be alone, pregnant, and missing her man every moment he would be gone.

Vivi walked with Christian back to the trainers room so he could get his back checked out before practice. "I have to come here before and after practice to get my back checked out so I am not missing any games or practice..." Christian told Viviana as he hopped up on the table and Vivi sat in a chair across from him. "You feeling okay? How are you and the baby?"

She smiled at him, "I'm feeling great. One of the first mornings I didn't have any nausea, which was amazing." And she wasn't lying; this was one of the first mornings in a long while since being pregnant that she actually felt well enough to get ready and presentable. Vivi was usually just wearing leggings and hoodies, not even bothering about her makeup. But since feeling better, she was able to make herself look more presentable.

"And the baby?" Christian asked, smiling, "They causing their momma troubles?"

"Not yet, I'm sure they will later though," Vivi giggles, "But me and the baby are doing great, handsome." She told him, keeping the smile on her face. Viviana knew that Christian was nervous about the baby, especially about Viviana carrying, since she was so small and tiny.

There could be so many complications with Viviana during this pregnancy due to the size of her body. She was aware of that, but, she didn't want Christian to stress about her, he had enough on his plate to worry about.

losin control; c. yelich. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now