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Spring training. The beginning of baseball, the beginning of a beautiful season. This spring training, however, was going to be tough for Christian. With Adelaide being over a month old, she wasn't able to fly yet and it pained Christian that he was unable to bring his family with him to Arizona. It had been a while since he was able to experience spring training with his family. But, to be safe, the family would be separated for six weeks and Christian really hoped those six weeks went by fast.

"It sucks that you have to leave...I wish we could bring spring training to us.." Viviana sighed, holding Adelaide in her arms as Christian finished up his packing.

"I know, it's going to be tough, but, I think that we got this. We've done this before. And in six weeks? We'll be back in Milwaukee together and Adelaide will get to experience a baseball game and see her dad do his thing." Christian smiled, kissing Adelaide's cheek. "You better be good for momma! I don't want any funny business."

Vivi smiles, "I think she is going to miss her daddy a lot.." She looked at Christian, "And I'm gonna miss you.."

Christian kissed Viviana's lips, gently. "I am gonna miss you, babe. But, it won't be long." He told her, kissing her again. "You can watch the games on television, so you can still see me. And we'll FaceTime like we normally do.." He said.

"I know, just sucks. Especially with a newborn. I know we did this with Sawyer, but now that we have three kids? Just sucks. I'll make sure to send you highlights and milestones if Adelaide does anything worth noting." Viviana smiles at Adelaide. "Right, princess? Tell daddy that you're gonna watch him on TV and cheer for him."

Christian couldn't help but smile at his baby girl. She was so beautiful, he was the luckiest man on the planet. Three beautiful girls and a handsome little man to call his family? How better could it get?

She laid Adelaide down and walked into the living room with Christian as he carried his stuff with him. She was trying so hard not to break, because she knew if she did, it would just make it harder for Christian to leave and Viviana knew that Christian needed to go. It was his job.

Christian turned and faced Vivi, "If you need anything, do not hesitate to call me." He said, grabbing her small hands, noticing that they were clammy, something that would happen when she was anxious or upset. "You have your parents here, you have Camryn." He kissed her hands, "Only six weeks. Then we'll be together again.."

Viviana nodded slowly, unable to make eye contact with him because she knew that would be the breaking point. "I know.."

"Everything is going to be okay. You know Eiley loves helping you out and she'll do anything for you." He said, kissing her hands again. "I love you so much, beautiful.." He tilted her chin up, seeing the tears welling up in her eyes. "No crying.."

"It's hard not to," Viviana said, finally letting the sobs come out. She wrapped her arms around Christians neck, sobbing against his chest. This was hard. She hadn't been apart from him since even before Sawyer was born. Not for this long of time, at least. She was in pain, she was hurting. She just wanted to have her husband home with her. But she knew work came first, as much as Christian said otherwise.

Christian frowned, rubbing her back gently as she cried against him. "Just take deep breaths, babygirl.." He said quietly, "It's only for a couple of weeks then we're together again. We'll be in our home with our kiddos. I promise, it won't be long..." He kept reassuring her.

It hurt him to see her like this. He always hated leaving for spring training. Especially with leaving his kids and his beautiful wife. It was something you never really get used to. It was this feeling that would go away and slap you in the face when it returned, just reminding you of how horrible it felt. His poor newborn girl had no idea he was leaving, she would be so confused when she wouldn't see her daddy for a couple of weeks. Sometimes, he wished that baseball wasn't the top priority. He wished that he could just throw it away and forget about it, put it behind him and just put it as a memory in his head. His family was number one to him, and always would be.

Vivi sniffled, taking a deep breath as Christian continued to calm her down. "I'm sorry..."

"Don't be sorry. I know you're upset," Christian told her, "I am too, trust me. The last thing I wanna do is leave my family.." He continued to rub her back.

Eiley walked in and looked at her parents, "Daddy? Where you going?"

Christian sighed, "Daddy's gotta go to work, babe." He moved and crouched down to her. "Do you promise you'll be amazing for mommy? Help her out if she needs help?"

"When you be home?"

"A couple of weeks. You, mommy, Sawyer and Addy are all going back to Milwaukee in a couple of weeks and then you'll get to come to my baseball game." He told his daughter, "I will video chat you every night, though! I gotta make sure to read my princess her bedtime story.."

Eiley nodded, hugging Christian. "I love you, daddy.."

"I love you, Eiley Rose. You're gonna be good, right?" He asked her, kissing her head.

"Yes, daddy. I listen and help mommy.." Eiley told him, "Why mommy crying?"

"She's just upset, princess. She's gonna miss me. But I want you to make sure she's happy, okay? No sad tears from mommy." Christian said, running his hand through Eiley's curls. "We'll be back together in no time. I promise."

Eiley nodded, "I miss you.."

Christian frowned, "I'm gonna miss you, angel. I promise it'll feel like it will go by so fast! We'll be back in Milwaukee and you'll get to see me play baseball again. Make sure your little sister isn't giving mommy trouble." He hugged his daughter again, knowing she was upset too. He hated leaving her, that was his little girl. They were attached at the hip, it seemed like.

Viviana wipes under her eyes and looked at Christian. "You better get going...Don't wanna miss your flight.." She said, looking at him as he walked over and hugged her again.

"I love you so much, babe. Just a couple of weeks..." Christian said, kissing Viviana. When he pulled away from the kiss and the hug, he wiped under Viviana's eyes. "I'll see you soon."

"Travel safe, I love you.."

"I love you, Vi. So much." And he meant it. He grabbed his bags and smiled small at her before walking out and venturing off to six weeks of baseball. Six weeks without his family. This was going to be tough.

losin control; c. yelich. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now