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Getting back to Milwaukee was definitely a jump back into reality for Christian and Viviana after their amazing honeymoon. But the two were excited to get back to see Eiley and be home in their bed.

Christian walked into the front door of their place, setting their suitcase down and took a deep breath, "I missed this place." He said as he walked into the bedroom and plopped down on the bed. "And I missed our bed..." He looked over at Vivi, "When is Eiley coming home?"

"She should be here in about ten minutes." Viviana replied with a smile, "I can't wait to see her." She moved and sat next to Christian. "She's gonna be so excited to see us."

He nodded, smiling at Viviana, "I'm excited to see her!" He replied, getting up when he heard a knock on the door. He walked to the door and opened it up, smiling big at Eiley, "Hi, baby girl!" He said as he picked Eiley up and spun her around.

Eiley giggled, "Daddy! Momma and you here!" She said, wrapping her arms around Christian's neck, kissing his cheek.

Viviana smiled at Gia, "She was good?"

Gia nodded, "Oh, of course! She was so much fun and very well behaved." She replied, "Definitely a fun guest for the week." She kissed Eiley's head, "Right, Eils? We had tons of fun?" Eiley giggled, nodding at Gia. "Thanks for letting me watch her, Vi. I'm always here to look after her whenever you need someone."

Viviana hugged Gia and Gia left, closing the door once she did. Viviana smiled at Eiley, taking her from Christian, "Let me see my big girl!!" She smiled, kissing all over Eiley's face, "I missed you so much!! Did you have fun?"

Eiley giggled, squealing loud. "Momma! I miss you so big!" She said, clinging onto Viviana.

"We missed you! We brought you back a surprise! Wanna see?" Vivi asked Eiley as she nodded fast and they walked into the bedroom and Viviana sat her on the bed, reaching in her suitcase and pulled out a teddy bear for her and a shirt. "I thought you would love this teddy bear because it's pink!" Eiley reached her arms out for Viviana to handle her the bear.

Christian sat on the bed, sitting Eiley on his lap. "You would've loved the beach, Eiley girl." He kissed her head. "We missed you so much.." He held her close.

Viviana smiled, taking a picture of the two as he kissed Eiley's head. "I'm so happy to be home with her again.." She said, sitting next to Christian. Eiley smiled and hugged the teddy bear close to her. "You love your bear?" Eiley nodded, laying her head on Christian's chest. "Someone missed their daddy.." Viviana giggled, looking at Christian.

"Well, I missed her a lot." He rubbed Eiley's back. "We'll have to take her on our next vacation, babe."

"Well, we could take her to where we were talking about earlier.." Viviana mentioned, Christian nodded in response.

"Oh yeah, let her meet her favorite duck.." He looked at Eiley who shot up, looking at them.

"Donald Duck, momma?!" Eiley asked, looking at Viviana.

"Maybe, Eils! Maybe we'll have to take you to meet your best friend!"


When Viviana went into the bathroom the next morning, she was throwing up yet again. It had been an occurrence happening for the last week, and the last thing she wanted was to assume the worst. She took a deep breath, cleaning her mouth and reached in her cabinet, pulling out the box that had one pregnancy test in it. She kept it in her bathroom just in case, and she had a good feeling that she was expecting again..

The results came back twenty minutes later; pregnant. The blue lines were darker than hell and the word 'pregnant' lit up. Vivi took a deep breath, looking at the test, unable to think of what to say.

A knock was heard at the door, causing Viviana to scramble and put the test in the shower to hide it. "Baby? Everything okay?" Christian asked, knocking again.

Viviana opened the door and looked at him, "Hey, baby, Yeah, I'm fine." She said, clearing her throat. "Just was brushing my teeth and washing my face.." She made up a shitty excuse to hide that she really was taking a pregnancy test. 

Christian nodded, "Okay, well, I gotta shower then get to practice. Wanna join?" He asked and Vivi shook her head.

"No, baby, I'm fine, but thank you." Viviana replied, walking into the bedroom and checked her phone.

It wasn't long until Christian walked in the bedroom, towel wrapped around his waist, holding the pregnancy test. "You just gonna hide this? Not gonna tell me until you're through your first trimester again?" Christian asked, annoyance in his voice as Viviana looked up, shaking her head. 

"N-no...I just took a test before you went in the shower..." Viviana stammered out, "I-I was going to tell you, I really was..." She said, looking down at her hands.

"Why do you think I'm going to hate you if you tell me that you're pregnant, Viviana? It's not something you hide. We already have a kid, I don't want you hiding if you're pregnant with another kid of mine. Unless it's not mine..." Christian told her, leaning against the door.

Viviana looked at him, confused. "What do you even mean? We're married, Christian, I've only had sex with you. Of course the kid is yours. I just get nervous telling you because it happened at an inconvenient time again like how Eiley's pregnancy did." She told him, crossing her arms. "I don't want you to drop everything for me again. That's not fair to you and your job. You have a life to live, shouldn't always have to drop everything for me." 

Christian sighed, changing into boxers and slipped on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. "It's not inconvenient, ever. Don't think I'm ever mad at you for anything like that. I kind of had a feeling that you were pregnant, honestly.." 

"How so?" She asked, looking at him.

"You've been sick a lot again, nauseous, tired, your sex drive has been low." Christian shrugged, "Just had a hunch." He told her, "But, I'm excited. Eiley is gonna love being a big sister.." 

Viviana nodded, "She's going to be so excited to hear the news." She stood up, looking at him, "We should tell her in a cute way." She smiled, grabbing his hands. "I love you, thank you for being so supportive.."

Christian brought both of her hands to his lips, kissing them, gently. "I love you, beautiful."

"And I love you..." She watched as he kissed her hands, "You sure we're going to be okay?"

"I guarantee it."

losin control; c. yelich. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now