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"So guess we gotta start brainstorming girl names," Christian told Viviana as he closed their bedroom door after getting the kids to bed.

"I guess we do," Viviana giggles and moved the blankets so he could climb in bed next to her. "You have ideas?"

He shrugged, "Honestly? No." He laughed, "I was thinking of boy names, as I was certain we were having a boy, but my instincts got the best of me." Christian smiled at her, "Do you?"

Viviana shook her head, "No. I mean, obviously I want a beautiful name, like Eiley's because her name is unique and I like that our kids have more of the uncommon names," She explained, "I had a couple in my head, but, I don't remember them at all."

"Yeah, I get that, I also like the unique aspect to the kids." Christian replied, "Eiley, Sawyer, and baby number three.." He chuckled, pulling off his hoodie so he was in a t-shirt. "We can look online maybe?"

Vivi nodded, "We could. Or ask friends." She laid her head on his shoulder, "I honestly have no idea on names, baby. There really hasn't been one that's stuck out to me." She sighed, "Makes me feel kind of shitty; We had Eiley and Sawyer picked out so quick and now this little one doesn't even have a clue on what she's going to be named.."

Christian rubbed her side, "Hey, no worries. We got a little bit before she gets here! We got time to figure it out. We'll be fine. Either way, she's going to be a beautiful baby girl.." He kissed Vivianas cheek and pulled her close against him.

"I don't know how you manage to stay so calm sometimes, like I feel that I am losing my mind sometimes and you have all these things going on in your life!" Viviana commented, "You remember all the events you have to go to, all your appointments, all your games, like damn, I need that headset."

He shrugged, "I've been on a grind for the last three years with Eiley, I just think it's flowed into my daily life. Having Sawyer really put it into perspective as well."

"I admire that about you, baby.." She said before kissing his cheek. "What about Adelaide? Addy for short?"

Christian looked over at her, "I actually love that." He nodded, "That's beautiful. For a beautiful girl." He smiles at his wife; Adelaide was a gorgeous name, why didn't he think of something like that? Names that ran through his head were the common ones, like Hannah and Isabelle, cliche.

Viviana smiles, "Yeah? Adelaide...What?" She asked him, pondering about a middle name.

He tapped his chin as if he was deep in thought, "Oh!" He snapped his fingers, "I've had an Elvis Presley song stuck in my head; What about Adelaide Presley?" Christian asked and instantly earned a beaming smile from her.

"Baby, yes, oh my goodness. That's gorgeous!! Adelaide Presley Yelich.." She kissed him, "I love it, and I love you."

"I love you, baby." Christian replied, kissing his wife again. "And I love Adelaide." He moved and rested his head by her stomach, "I can't wait for you to get here, princess. Your big brother and sister are so excited to meet you, your momma's excited, I'm excited, everyones excited!" He smiled.

Viviana ran her fingers through his hair as she heard him talking to his daughter. She could feel Adelaide kick against her stomach, causing Vivi to giggle, "She gets so excited hearing your voice. Especially when you're that close to my stomach.." She said, continuing to play with Christian's hair.

Christian smiled up at her, "I can't wait for her to get here. I am so fuc—freaking excited." He corrected himself, "Sorry, Addy. I won't swear in front of you." He kissed Viviana's stomach.

"You are such an amazing dad, I can't believe how lucky I am to have you. You are so good with Eiley and Sawyer and even Adelaide, and she's not even here yet." Viviana said to him, "I don't know how you do it.."

"What do you mean? The kids are my life, as are you. I think you are an outstanding mother, Vi. You make those kids so happy and you take pregnancy like a pro and I just think you're badass." He moved back and sat next to her, wrapping his arms around her. "You are amazing, you are beautiful, you are the most important person in my life." He kissed her cheek, "I love you and everything about you."

Vivi teared up, "Stop, my pregnancy makes me super emotional," She laughed, wiping under her eyes. "You are too good to me.."

Christian shook his head, "I treat you like royalty because you deserve it, babe. You are my best friend, my partner in crime, it's why I married you." He ran his hand through her hair.

"I love you so much.." Vivi said, sniffling. "So so so much, C." She laid her head on his shoulder, "Can we go to bed? I am tired," She giggles.

He nodded, "Of course. I have an early morning chiropractor appointment anyways." He told her, "Can't wait, my back's been bugging me again."

"Good, you need to be cracked out." Viviana giggles again and looked at him, "So you are playing safely....Right?"

"Right." He said, chuckling. "I know how much you worry.."

"Because you never listen to me when I tell you to rest!" Viviana told him, "You always say you're fine when your back is tweaked up and I tell you to rest and then you go out on the field and Counsell ends up sitting you out anyways.." She shrugged, "Maybe you should listen to me sometimes.."

Christian rolled his eyes, "Baby, I listen to my body. I play until I know I can't.."

"But that's not how to go, Christian.." She looked at him, "You need to realize that if you fuck up your back? You fuck up your career? Remember how you felt when you broke your knee?" Christian nodded, "Exactly. You thought your career was over then, and I know how miserable you felt. I don't want you to feel like that again, that's all.."

He nodded again, "I'm sorry."

She sighed, "Don't apologize, babe. I just worry about you sometimes. I know how important baseball is to you.." She rubbed his arm. "And you're important to me.." She kissed his cheek.

She was right. Christian knew it, he just didn't want to admit it. He knew that if he just continued to hurt his body, he would hurt his career. He couldn't dare to do that, can't even begin to think about life without baseball.

losin control; c. yelich. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now