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Christian loved date night.

Whenever he got the chance to take his wife out to dinner and treat her to a beautiful night, he took advantage of it. Usually date nights to them were sitting on the couch, eating some pizza and watching movies as it was hard to find someone to watch the children when they lived in Milwaukee. Now, being in Miami, they were able to go out and have a night on the town.

He was so in love with Viviana. Her beauty wow'd her and he couldn't believe that they were married with a third child on the way. He couldn't believe how big her bump was getting, seems like yesterday that they were finding out that they were expecting a third kid.

"You feeling dessert?" Viviana asked Christian as she took a sip of her water, "Because the chocolate cake sounds amazing right about now.." She giggled, biting her lower lip.

Christian smiled, nodding in agreement. "As long as we can share," He said with a smirk.

"I can't eat all of that by myself!" Viviana said, smiling at him. She looked over at her husband, so in love with the man who sat across from her.


"I had so much fun tonight, babe. We definitely need to do that more often.." Viviana said as she turned to face Christian as they walked in the bedroom.

Christian nodded, "Yeah, of course. I love date nights that aren't on the couch. I love spoiling my girl.." He smiled, kissing her cheek.

Vivi took her shoes off once they got in the bedroom and sighed, looking in the mirror. "I feel like a whale.."

"What did you say?" Christian asked her, closing the door and looked at her, "Viv, you are fucking beautiful." He moved to wrap his arms around her, "What's got you thinking that?"

Viviana shrugged, "My belly is huge, and I don't feel beautiful, and I just, I don't know.." She sniffled, letting the tears well up in her eyes.

He wiped under her eyes, tilting her chin up. "You are so beautiful, Vivi. I promise you. You are the most beautiful woman I've ever met, and you are the most amazing mother." He told her, kissing her neck lightly.

She nodded, tilting her head slightly. "I love you.."

"And I love you.." Christian replied before kissing her deeply. His hands moved to grab her butt.

"I knew you would go there first.." She chuckled quietly against his lips, pulling away from the kiss. "I would love for this to continue, but I am really tired, baby.."

He nodded, "I understand, baby girl..Do you want me to grab you some comfier clothes?" He asked, rubbing her side.

"I would love that.." Vivi replied, kissing his lips again before moving to sit down.

Christian nodded, grabbing a pair of gray sweats and a shirt for Viviana. Vivi smiled at him before stripping out of her clothes and changed into the ones Christian provided. "You look so cute.."

She rolled her eyes and sat back down. "Thank you for tonight..." She said, resting her hand against his cheek. "I truly appreciate you.."

"No need to thank me. I love taking you out and making you happy. Making you and the kids happy is my number one priority. You are before anything else." Christian replies, pulling her close. "And you're so beautiful. I'll never stop telling you that.."

Vivi kisses his lips before laying her head on his shoulder. "I don't know how I got so lucky with you.." She ran her fingers through his hair, "Like, I love being able to call you mine and call you the father of my children, and love being able to say that you're my husband and my best friend all in one."

Christian leaned down and kissed her softly. As he pulled back, he rested his hand on her stomach. "You are the only girl I want in my life, babe. You make me beyond happy, and you've made me a more confident, stronger person. I want nothing but the best for you. I am so blessed with the greatest wife, and the most beautiful children. And even one on the way.." He kissed her again.

"I can't wait to find out what we're having," Viviana said, "I personally don't care if it's a boy or girl. They're going to be perfect no matter what."

"I agree," Christian replied, "I think the kids will be happy with whatever, especially Eiley. I think she loves being a big sister."

Vi nodded, "For sure. She is such a great big sister to Sawyer, I think that's really helped a lot." She said, "She's such a little girl, yet, she is so independent and such a huge help. It makes me so proud of her."

"Sawyer is really starting to become a strong boy, too." Christian said, chuckling, "He is starting to run around and it's cute to hear him giggling as he is like power crawling down the hall away from Eiley who's chasing him. Their relationship is amazing. They're going to be great to the new baby." He pulled the blanket up and smiled.

"I don't know how you cuddle me with my belly getting so big." Viviana giggles, "Especially with my pregnancy pillow. I love that thing when I'm laying on my side, I don't know how you manage to cuddle me."

Christian smiled, "I got my magic ways, baby." He kissed her forehead. "I also love being the big spoon. I can rest my hand on your stomach and feel the baby move around." He moved so he was behind her now, wrapping an arm around her, "Like this.." He said quietly as he nuzzled his chin on her shoulder. "Then I get to hold my girl real close to me."

Viviana blushed, closing her eyes, "I love you so much.." She put her hand over his.

"I love you, beautiful." He replied, "So, so much. And I love that little baby growing in you." He said, rubbing her stomach. "You're such an amazing momma."

"Oh, shush." She said, giggling quietly. "You are amazing."

"I think you take that title, for sure." Christian told her. The two continued to talk before Viviana grew extremely tired and fell asleep in his arms, content and in love.

losin control; c. yelich. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now