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While Christian played in the World Series, Viviana had work to tend to. She wanted to be there for Games five and six, but she was scheduled to do a photoshoot in LA. Which meant a couple of days away from Christian, and a couple of days away from the kids.

She hated leaving the kids. Especially little Adelaide, with her being so little, she knew how attached Adelaide still was to Viviana. It pained her to leave, but it was work, and she had to go.

Viviana sat in the chair in the dressing room while her stylist worked on her hair and she decided to FaceTime Christian before the big game. 

"Hey you, don't you have a photoshoot?" Christian asked, looking at her with a smile, "You look absolutely beautiful, holy shit." 

Viv blushed, smiling at him, "They're doing my hair right now then finishing up my makeup. You look super handsome, are you excited?"

Christian nodded, "I think so. I'm a little nervous, but more excited than nervous. I think we'll do good." He replied, sighing.

"At least you're feeling good about it. The kids are with your mom, right? How are they doing?" Viviana asked, missing her little kiddos.

"They're good. Eiley misses you a lot, Adelaide's a little confused on where you are, and Sawyer's just going with the flow," Christian chuckled, "I think they're fine. I miss you."

Vivi smiled, "I miss you, babe. Hope you don't get mad about today's photoshoot. Kind of doing it nude." 

Christian raised an eyebrow, "Nude? What? For what?"

"Just a cover spread with my friend. Nothing to worry about, my private areas are going to be covered by my arms and legs, baby." She laughed, "Don't stress."

"I get to see them when you're done, right?" He asked.

She nodded, "Of course. You're always the first one to see them after me before they get published. They have to have your approval, of course." 

He nodded, "That's what I thought. But hey, I gotta get going, I gotta go take batting practice and get ready. I love you and I miss you."

"I love you, good luck today. You're gonna kill it, I promise. I'm cheering you on from California." Viviana smiled and blew a kiss at the camera, "I even requested to have it on during my shoot," she giggled, "I wouldn't miss it for the world."

Christian smiled at her, "That's my girl. I'll talk to you later. Love you, bye." He said before hanging up. 

Viviana sighed, looking at her phone as the call ended. She hated being away from her family. She just wanted to be home and watching her husband play ball. 


The boys ended up winning both games five and six, meaning they were just one step closer to the World Series title. Christian was amped up and he couldn't wait to tell Viviana. He was expecting her to be home once he got there, so he couldn't wait to get home and see his wife and celebrate.

When he got home, he noticed the house was a little quieter than usual. He looked confused, looking around to see that the kids were all in their beds. Christian walked into his bedroom, setting his things down.

"Boo!" Viviana said, grabbing his shoulders from behind, causing him to jump. "Did I scare you?"

Christian jumped, turning around, "Yeah, you did!" He shook his head, "When did you get home?" He pulled Viviana into his arms, hugging her tightly.

"Ummm about an hour ago. Got home in time to watch the last couple innings of the game. Which, by the way, you're so close to being a World Series champ!" Viviana smiled up at her husband, "I'm so proud of you, baby. You did so so good today." She leaned up and kissed him lightly. Christian returned the kiss, settling a hand on her hip. 

He pulled away from the kiss, smiling at her, "Thank you, baby. I knew you were cheering me on, I think that got me through it. And the fact that I was going to see you when I got home, I think that was really motivating me to do my best." 

Vivi kept the smile on her lips, "That makes me happy to hear. I couldn't wait to get home. Seeing the kids made me so happy and I just couldn't wait for you to get home. I missed you so much." She said before hugging him again.

"I kind of want to see the pictures from the photoshoot..." Christian suggested, moving his arms. 

"I knew you would ask," she giggled and walked over to the bed, grabbing her laptop out of her bag and logged in, finding the pictures. "C'mere. I'm actually really proud of this shoot, I think it turned out really well.." 

Christian sat next to Viviana and looked through the pictures, "Yeah, holy shit. Baby, these are gorgeous." he kept looking through them, "You have a beautiful body, oh my god." he looked at her, "You are so beautiful." 

Viviana couldn't help but blush and smile at him, "Oh, shush. I really like how they turned out. Some of them, the lighting like hits my eyes or my hair a certain way and I just fall in love." She scrolled and clicked on a picture, "I like this one. I'm semi nude, have bikini bottoms on, but I like how the lighting is and how it like goes with the wall." She shrugged, "I really liked doing this shoot." 

"These are amazing, babe. You really are a natural, I don't get it. I really got a beautiful wife." Christian smiled, kissing her cheek. "You should send me a couple. I need a new lock screen anyways." He shrugged, chuckling.

"I can see what I can do," Viviana said with a smile. "The photographer at the games got some good action shots of you, you look all in the game and focused." She grabbed her phone and pulled up one of him at bat, "Like, how do you look so sexy and so focused at the same time? I don't get it!" 

He laughed, "I never really look at pictures of myself but I can see where you see I'm focused. I make a weird face when I go to swing, though." Christian looked at her, "Did you look on Twitter or something for these?"

Vivi blushed, "Maaayyybeee. I follow a couple of people that post your pictures from the game or when you're doing stuff in public or your Instagram posts, and I save a couple of the photos to my phone." She blushed more, hiding her face in his chest.

"Aw, my biggest fan." Christian said, wrapping an arm around Viviana, "That's cute, though. You like hyping me up. I'm not complaining." 

"I didn't think you would anyways. I'm always gonna hype you up, you're my husband." Viviana said before closing her laptop and set it on the nightstand. "However, I would like to get some sleep and I would really love if my husband provided some cuddles."

"I think I can do that.." Christian said, turning off the light and got under the covers with Viviana before pulling her into his arms for a great night's sleep.

losin control; c. yelich. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now