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Christian carried the carseat in the house as Viviana followed behind. They were thrilled to finally be home with Adelaide, and they couldn't wait for the kids to meet their baby sister.

Eiley ran into the living room and gasped, "Daddy! That my baby sissy?!" She exclaimed, going by Christian who set the car seat on the couch and Eiley looked inside, smiling big. "She sleepy, daddy.."

Christian nodded, "Yeah, she's a little tired. She had a long night. You gotta be quiet though, I don't want her to wake up.." He told his eldest, moving to give her a hug. "Sorry I wasn't there to wake you up this morning! Momma had to get to the hospital."

"She okay?" She looked at Viviana, "Mommy, you okay?"

Viviana smiled at Eiley, "I'm just fine, babe. Your baby sister just decided she wanted to come a little earlier than expected." She laughed, "Would you like to hold her?"

Eiley nodded quickly, "Yes, please, mommy!" She climbed up on the recliner and looked at Viviana who carefully got Adelaide out of the carrier and handed her to Eiley.

"You cradle her like you did with Sawyer when he was a baby, remember?" Viviana made sure Eiley was holding her sister carefully and correctly. "You are a pro, Eiley Rose."

Christian took a picture of Eiley holding her sister and couldn't help but smile. "Looks like she's already in love with her big sister.." He commented, pointing to the girls as he noticed Adelaide wrap her tiny hand around Eiley's finger, causing her to giggle.

Viviana's mother walked down with Sawyer and smiled, "There they are. Eiley already holding her?"

Christian nodded. "They love each other already." He smiled, "And the doctors said she's perfectly healthy. A little tiny considering she's premature, but she's perfect."

Her mother walked over by Eiley, "Isnt it crazy that she's here, Eiley Rose?"

Eiley nodded, "She not in mommy's tummy no more.."

"You're right! She's finally out in the world and I bet she's excited to meet her big sister and her big brother.." She looked at Viviana, "How are you feeling?"

"I'm doing alright. Really tired, but I'm good. Really sucks that the epidural decided to kick in after she was born, so I felt everything, so my legs are really sore.." Viviana replies, sitting on the other couch.

"Why don't you go rest in your room, hon? I'm sure Christian can handle your little newborn."

Viv shook her head, "I want Adelaide to come with me if I'm going in my room.." She said, walking over by Eiley and picked her up gently. "I have to feed her yet, anyways.." she said quietly, fixing the beanie on Adelaide's head.

"Mommy, whats her name?" Eiley asked, following her mom.

"Her name is Adelaide. But, you can call her Addy because that's easier." Viviana told her daughter. "Me and her are gonna go nap for a little bit though, mommas super tired." She replied before walking upstairs with Adelaide in her arms and walked into her room, laying Addy in her bassinet. "Oh, Ads, your siblings are in love with you already. But, I'm sure you're tired just like momma.." She said, making sure her newborn was comfy and tucked in. Viviana crawled in bed and got under the covers and she was out in no time.


Christian kept the other two kids entertained, taking them to run some errands while Viviana rested to keep them out of her hair. He knew that she was in pain and exhausted; Delivering a baby isn't the easiest thing to do, and surely took a lot out of Viviana considering how little she is.

"Daddy, we get mommy a treat?" Eiley asked, pointing at a stuffed teddy bear holding a heart. "I think she like it."

Christian smiled, "I think she will like it too, Eils. Especially if it's from you and Sawyer. Right, bud?" He poked Sawyers tummy.

losin control; c. yelich. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now