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(honestly this chapter isnt my best work, but, i wanted to get something out to y'all...)

The move was stressful, to put it in nicer terms. Christian and Viviana honestly didn't really realize how much stuff they had to move between the two of them and the three kids and now a puppy. They were glad it was finally over with, though, so they could finally relax in their own home.

Viviana sat in the bathroom, bathing Adelaide in the tub as Christian got the other two kids ready for bed. It was a long day, and Christian knew that those kids were ready to call it a day and hit their pillows. After he finished, he walked into the bathroom and smiled, sitting next to his wife.

"Hi, babe." Viviana said, smiling at him before rinsing off Adelaide, "Look, princess! Look who's here!" 

Christian smiled at Adelaide and leaned over, kissing her forehead, "Momma's getting you all clean, huh?" He grabbed the towel for Viviana and she wrapped Adelaide in a towel. "Look at you, you're getting so big!" He told his daughter, earning a gummy smile from her lips. 

"She had pudding all over her face and it was in her nails and she was just messy," Viviana commented, laughing. "Right, Ads? You were a messy girl today!" She kissed her head, cradling her close to herself. 

"Giving mom a hard time!" Christian said, chuckling, "I had some difficulties getting Sawyer to go to bed, he just wouldn't let me leave.." 

Vivi frowned, "I wonder if it's because we're in a new house and it's the first night in the new house? He could just be a little nervous or anxious.." She suggested, "That's just my thinking." She walked into Adelaide's room and laid her on her changing table while she grabbed some pajamas. "But, Eiley went to bed alright?" 

Christian nodded, "Well, she had fallen asleep on the couch watching something on TV so I just carried her up to bed and she didn't wake up. She did help out a lot today, so I'm sure she was beat," he told her as he helped her get Adelaide changed. "I read two stories to Sawyer and laid there with him until he fell asleep. I think he just needed someone next to him. I think it was the anxiousness.." 

"Well, I'm glad he got to bed.." She told him and laid Adelaide in her crib. "You want your mobile on, baby?" She smiled, turning on the mobile for Adelaide and kissed her forehead. 

Christian walked over by her and kissed her cheek as well before walking out of the bedroom and smiled at Vivi, "You going to bed?"

Viviana shook her head, "No, I'm going downstairs to the living room and gonna watch that tiger thing on Netflix, care to join?" She laughed, "My sister told me to watch it, she said it's super weird."

Christian laughed and nodded, "Yeah, I'll watch it with you. I'm gonna change into sweatpants though, first." He walked into the bedroom and changed into a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. 

The two watched the show on Netflix while cuddling on the couch. Viviana moved so she was sitting on Christian's lap and laid her legs on top of his, pulling the blanket up. "If I'm too fat, just move me," She said, looking up at him.

"Shut up, you're fine." Christian rolled his eyes, looking at her, "You're so light, babe. I can wrap my arms around you this way and.." He smiled, "Yeah."

"What? Start funny business?" Vivi looked at him, "I'll move.." She sat up. 

He shook his head, "Nope, nope." He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close. "You're not allowed to leave. I wasn't gonna start any funny business. I'm too tired for that," He said and laid back, watching the show again.

Viviana just shook her head, smiling to herself as she pulled the blanket up again. "Too tired? Moving got you exhausted?"

He nodded, "Oh yeah, that shit is tiring! Lifting furniture and whatnot? Yeah, no thanks." Christian laughed and kissed her cheek, "I'm glad I get to finally relax with my girl and not have to stress about anything.." 

She looked back and smiled at him, "Yeah? I am glad too. I like being able to relax with you at the end of the night, always makes things better.." She kissed his cheek then his lips. "I love you so much," Viviana said before kissing him again.

"And I love you, beautiful," he replies, moving her to stand up and pick her up, "Let's go to bed."

Viviana giggled, looking at him, "You carrying me?" She wrapped her arms around his neck, "You're so sweet." 

He shrugged, "You looked comfy, so I didn't want to disturb the peace," He chuckled as he walked up the stairs and laid her in bed. "There." 

She moved and got comfy on her side of the bed, smiling at her husband. "I really would like it if you climbed in bed and laid with me..." 

Christian moved, getting in bed and laid next to her, pulling her close to him. "There, you happy?"

Viviana laughed and nodded, "Very." She laid her head on his chest, "I always sleep better when I know you're next to me.. Just an instinct thing or something, I don't know.." 

He nodded, "I like knowing that I have you next to me. I think it's a security thing," Christian said, rubbing her side, "I also just like being able to hold you," he shrugged.

It wasn't long before the two were fast asleep after a very long day of moving. But they were finally settled in their home and that's all they wanted. 

Christian woke in the middle of the night, hearing Adelaide crying. He looked at his phone to check the time, and noticed it was usually the time she would wake up and want to either be held or fed. 

"Baby, I got it.." Viviana said as she sat up, stretching out before walking into Adelaide's room. "Hey you, what's going on?" She frowned, picking her daughter up. "You're okay, shh.." She held her close to her, rubbing her back. "Momma's got you.." 

It was almost instant that her cries subsided and Adelaide was tear free. Just wanted to see her momma, that's all. 

"You're okay, baby, I promise.." She kissed Adelaide's head softly and laid her back down once she felt she was calm enough. "I'll be right here in the morning, okay?" She gave her her blanket before kissing her forehead. "I love you so much.." 

She walked back in the bedroom and got back in bed, "She just wanted to be held...A nightly thing.." She said as she cuddled back up against Christian.

"But she's good now?" He asked quietly.

Vivi nodded, "Yeah, she's sleeping again and I got her mobile on again. It was off so I think the quiet just kind of startles her.." She yawned, pulling the blankets up. The two were able to fall back asleep rather quick after settling their daughter. No worries in their household.

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