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Viviana couldn't wait to welcome Adelaide into the world. More girl clothes for her to buy, and a girl to make their family a perfect four. Two boys and two girls in the household, what could be better?

"Momma! Sissy wear this?" Eiley held up one of her old onesies as Viviana went through Eiley's old clothes.

She nodded, "Yeah! She's gonna get a lot of your clothes, but she's also gonna get some new ones! I'm happy you're getting a little sister, that way we don't have to throw away these clothes!"

Eiley gasped, "No throw 'way!" She shook her head, "They pretty!" She set one down and held up an old Brewers shirt with Christian's numbers on the back and said 'DAD'. Eiley had worn that for his playoff run when she was just born, "This daddy number!"

"It is, good job! You wore that when you were a little baby! Maybe your sister will like that too!" Viviana said, smiling at her daughter, who was just so in awe with everything that she was looking at.

Christian walked in and smiled, "What are you girls doing?"

"We're going through Eiley's old clothes, see what Adelaide will like.." Viviana smiled, holding up the shirt Eiley just had, "Remember this?"

"Oh my god, yeah," Christian said, laughing, "My mom had one made for her and then one made for Sawyer when he was little. I mean, we could get a third one, or Addy could wear that one.."

Eiley looked at Christian, "Addy? Who that?"

Christian crouched down, "That's your baby sister's name!" He smiled at Eiley, "Eiley, Addy and Sawyer! Doesn't that sound cool?"

"Yes, daddy! Addy be here soon?" She asked, moving to sit on Christian's lap when he sat on the floor, setting Sawyer down to crawl over by Vivi.

He nodded, "Soon! Are you getting excited? You're gonna be the nicest big sister ever, right?"

Viviana watched Christian and their daughter interact, smiling as Sawyer put his hands on her stomach, "Hi, handsome! You saying hi to your sister?"

Sawyer just giggled and kissed her belly. They were thinking Sawyer had some sort of instinct thing with Viviana being pregnant. He was so gentle when he was around her; Kissing her stomach, putting his hands on her stomach, just being nice. Viviana adored it, she didn't want anything else.

"I know your sister was looking at getting stuff for Addy.." Christian told Viviana, "But I know that we'll be using a lot of Eiley's old clothes.." He said.

Viviana nodded, "Yeah, she was asking me what colors she should get. She did like the whole pastel pink with Eiley, she was thinking just getting different colors for Adelaide.." She told him. "Look at Sawyer.." She said quietly, looking at Sawyer who was laying his head on Vivi's legs near her stomach.

Christian smiled, "He's so gentle and caring.." He rubbed Sawyer's back gently. "He's gonna be such a good big brother.."

"I know. They're going to be amazing big siblings to Addy." Viviana smiled and looked over at Eiley, "Right, baby? You're gonna be the most bestest big sister!"

Eiley nodded, "Yes, mommy! I share toys!"

Viviana smiled at her, "Good, princess! That makes me happy to hear." She carefully moved, picking up Sawyer who was asleep in her lap. "I'm gonna go lay him down.." She said quietly, walking into Sawyer's room and laid him in his bed, tucking him in. She kissed his forehead before walking out and heard Eiley giggling loudly in her room.

Christian tickled Eiley's sides, "You're so silly!" He laughed, kissing her cheek.

"You two are crazy," Vivi said, laughing. "I love hearing her giggle from down the hall.."

Christian picked up Eiley, "She's a giggly girl today." He poked Eiley's tummy, earning another giggle. "Do you want a snack, Eils?" He asked her, Eiley nodded in response before he walked with her into the kitchen.

"Baby, I'm gonna go rest on the couch if that's okay? My feet and back are bugging me..." Viviana said to Christian as they walked down the hall together.

"Yeah, babe. Of course. You go rest, I got Eiley, nothing to worry about." He told her, kissing her cheek. "Seriously, you need the rest, you're a hardworking mom."

Viviana nodded, "Thank you.." She said before walking into the living room and planting herself on the couch, pulling a blanket over her legs. Her stomach was huge. For her small body, she looked like she swallowed a whole grown watermelon, it was crazy. She didn't even look this big with Sawyer and Eiley, maybe Adelaide was just a bigger girl. But, judging upon how small Sawyer and Eiley were, she was pretty sure Adelaide would be about the same size.


Later on, Viviana had fallen asleep on the couch, watching some show on Netflix and Christian had turned it off, getting Eiley down for a nap and came over by Vivi, shaking her gently.

"Babe? Did you want me to carry you to bed? You'd probably be more comfier napping there..." Christian suggested and Viviana looked up at him with tired eyes.

"How long have I been napping?" She rasps,

"About an hour and a half. I just figured you would want to actually be able to lay on your side and be comfy in bed instead of on the couch.." Christian told her, helping her up. He picked her up bridal style and carried her to the room.

Vivi laid her head on his shoulder as he walked to their room. He carefully laid her on the bed and got her tucked in. "Stay here..." She said, looking up at him. "Stay and cuddle...I'm cold.."

Christian nodded, climbing in bed behind her and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her back against his chest. "Oh yeah, you're chilly.." He said, putting his hand on her stomach, feeling where Adelaide could possibly be kicking. "Is she active?"

She shook her head, "Not right now. I think she was napping when I was, she's been super active at night, lately..." Viviana replied, "Which is why I struggle sometimes falling asleep, because she's just moving around and doing flips or will have the hiccups and it makes my stomach feel weird," She shrugged, closing her eyes. "She's calm right now, which is perfect for me.."

"I think it's so interesting to feel her kick." Christian commented, "Like, there's a little human in your stomach growing. We created that.." He looked at Vivi who turned back to look at him.

"We've created three beautiful lives, and I couldn't be more thankful."

"Ditto, babe."

losin control; c. yelich. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now