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Viviana was finally happy again and at a place in her life where she felt confident. Her relationship with Christian was becoming strong again, she was doing amazing in her modeling, and her life was just positive. Although her and Christian didn't really have a label to their relationship, they were both locked to each other. 

She was in New York for an upcoming photo shoot and it was the first time in a while she had traveled and Christian wasn't with her. Viviana felt like this was just a getaway from all of life back in Milwaukee, and a break to herself. When she got back to her hotel after a 15 hour photoshoot, she felt exhausted; Just wanted to sleep and wish it was over. It was part of the job, but it was the one thing about the job she truly hated. She showered up and got in bed, opening her laptop and FaceTimed Christian.

He answered and he appeared to be laying on his side in the dark, it was nearing midnight back in Milwaukee, 1 AM where Viviana was. "You're alive! Thought you disappeared." He said, laughing. "How are you?"

Viviana yawned, rubbing her face. "I'm very tired, had a long day. But, I didn't want to go to bed without talking to you.." She answered, combing through her hair and yawned again.

"I'm sorry you had a long day, babe." He told her, she smiled slightly at the word babe. A word she hadn't heard from him yet. "But now you're in bed and get to get some sleep, I hope?"

"I'll be lucky if I get any. I have to be up at 6 AM for another twelve hour day, and then I get on a flight and come home. I'm assuming you'll probably be passed out by the time I get home." She said, moving to lay on her side as well, resting her head on her hand. 

"Damn, they're really working you. Don't they realize that you're fucking exhausted?" He asked, looking concerned.

Viviana shrugged, "It's part of the job, love. I did a shoot that lasted 27 hours one time. It's just what I have to do. Beauty comes with a price, I guess." She sighed, looking at her phone, then at him. "Don't you have to be up early too? Don't you have an earlier game tomorrow?" She asked, looking through her calendar on her phone.

Christian nodded, stretching out. "Yeah, but, I don't have to be there until 9, I think? I don't know, I would have to check again." He laughed then shrugged, "It's all good. They're fine without me.." 

"Yeah, you say that and then they fucking bomb the game and have a shit lineup." Viviana commented, laughing. "Like that one time you sat out because your back was bugging you and they literally had you, Lo, Ryan, Orlando, and Mike all out because they needed a day off." She shook her head, rolling her eyes. 

Christian laughed, "You remember stats and lineups? Damn, my girl really knows her baseball." She blushed, hiding her face. "I guess three years of taking you to baseball games helped out, yeah?"

"Oh shut up.." She giggled, "I knew my stuff even before I met you, be reminded that Garrett and I loved going to Marlins games." She smiled. "I just so happen to meet this cute player on the team and just so happened got to call him my boyfriend." Viviana giggled again, the cheesy smile never leaving her face.

"I remember when we first met, I think it's one of the only meet and greet events where I remember a specific person.." Christian commented, "The guys were all hassling me for the rest of the day. Would like come up to me and be like, 'did you get that girl's number?' or 'why aren't you texting that girl yet?'. I just would laugh or push them away." 

Vivi laughed, tying her hair up in a messy bun. "Garrett was harassing me all night. He was commenting about how flushed my cheeks were after meeting you, and how I was stuttering like an idiot. Like, yes Garrett, I was a stuttering fool in front of him, but if you were a girl in front of Christian Yelich, you would be too." She smiled. "But I fell for you not because you're Christian Yelich, but because you're Christian, an amazing man." Vivi said, reflecting upon the day they met for the first time.


"Garrett, I still can't believe you won these tickets." Viviana said, giddy as ever to go meet some of the Marlins athletes. 

"I literally entered the contest the day it was ending," Garrett laughed, looking at the tickets, then at Vivi, "I think I did pretty damn good." 

Viviana nodded in agreement, "Hell yeah! We have amazing seats, and we get to tour the stadium, and meet athletes?  That's an ideal baseball day to me!" She smiled, walking in with Garrett as they approached the 'VIP' entrance. 

They had gotten a tour around the stadium, got to see some of the clubhouse, some memorabilia of the Marlins and then it was time to meet some of the athletes. They met Giancarlo, Marcell, and it was finally time to meet Christian.

Viviana approached Christian, waving and smiling. "Hiii." She said, looking at him.

Christian smiled at her, kind of checking her out, "Hey, how are you?" He asked, keeping his attention on her.

"I'm good...I'm Viviana by the way.." Viviana mentioned, nervously laughing and put her hands in her pockets.

"It's great to meet you, Viviana. Did you want to take a picture?" Christian asked, Viviana nodded quickly. Viviana pulled out her phone and handed it to Garrett. "Oh, you didn't want like a selfie or anything?" Christian asked, looking at Viv. She shrugged, Garrett handed her phone back to her. She held her camera out and took a selfie with Christian. 

"Looks great." She smiled at him. "Good luck today, you're going to do amazing!" She said, waving as she walked away and let Garrett talk to him. She waited off to the side, sending her sister the picture of her and Christian. When Garrett walked up to her, he smirked. 

"You're totally blushing right now.." Garrett said. "Does someone have a crushhh?" 

Viviana rolled her eyes, "It's Christian Yelich, he's attractive as hell, of course I would have a crush on him." She stated, hitting Garrett's arm playfully. They both walked out of the room, not knowing that it wouldn't be the last time she would see Christian.

"It was such a crazy day.." Christian said, "I think I met over 200 people and I was exhausted before game time." He laughed, then yawned. "I went up to one of my buddies and literally said, 'Yo, I gotta get her number', and they knew exactly who I was talking about." 

Vivi smiled at him, playing with her hair. "I'm just hard to forget." She winked, giggling. She stretched out and looked at the time, "Baby, it's getting late. I think I'm going to head to bed and try to get a couple hours of sleep." 

Christian nodded in agreement, "Yeah, I should try and get some rest too. I'll text you when I wake up, okay?"

Vivi nodded, "That sounds great. Sleep well, love.." 

He smiled and waved before ending the call. 


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