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Those couple of weeks away from Christian were tough for Viviana. It was different this time. Having three kids, one being a newborn, it just felt weird without him being around. Viviana knew she could do it by herself, but she knew she would love the extra assistance from Christian. It always was better when it was a team effort.

It was tough to make the move back to Milwaukee with the three kids in her own, but she had the assistance of her sister to make sure everything and everyone got there in one piece. Viv couldn't wait to see Christian. She couldn't wait to hug him and have her best friend with her again. Spring training sucked this year.


She went to the game alone, deciding that Gia would watch the kids while she went and surprised Christian. Viviana told Christian that she couldn't move on the day they had originally planned, and it bummed Christian out. But, little did he know, she was back in Milwaukee to see him.

Walking into the stadium, she took the elevator to the service level, walking to the clubhouse and sat outside on the bench across from it and waited for one of the guys to walk out.

Ryan walked out and saw Viviana and instantly smiled. "He said you weren't coming!"

She held her finger to her lips, "He doesn't know I'm here. I totally lied to him." Vivi laughed. "Is he in there?"

"Yeah, he's coming soon though to take batting practice. I think it'll be nice for him. He's been a bit bummy and cranky," Ryan chuckled, "Glad to see you back. Kids with your sister?"

Vivi nodded, "Yeah, they'll see him later. I'll walk with you to the field." She said as she walked with Ryan to batting practice. Christian would see her out there.

About twenty minutes later, Christian finally walked out on the field with his bat bag and set it down in the dugout, not even noticing his surroundings. He stretches out, doing some slight jogging before going over by the batting cages. Viviana was wearing one of his jerseys, facing away from him. When Christian saw his name on a jersey, he was confused at first. Then it clicked. He dropped his bats and ran up behind Viviana, picking her up.

"You're such a liar!!" He exclaimed, Viviana laughed in response as she turned to face him. "When the fuck did you get here?"

"Last night." Vivi smiles, "I wanted to surprise you!"

"Well, mission accomplished!" Christian hugged her tightly. "Shit, I missed you so much. Where are the kids?"

Viviana hugged him back, "They're with Gia. I told them they would surprise you later," she looked up at him, "I missed you so bad, you have no idea." She stood on her tiptoes and kissed him lightly. Christian rested his hand on her hip, kissing her back. Once he pulled away, he just hugged Viviana again.

Christian pulled away from the hug and picked up his bats, "This made my day. I am so glad you're here."

"Yeah? How come you didn't tell me about your big contract extension!? I found out through Ryan!" Viviana hit Christian's arm lightly, "You got a big payday and didn't even tell your wife."

He shrugged, "I was going to surprise you with that! I am finalizing everything in a couple of days, but yeah, I'm here to stay for a couple more years. Then I think I'll call it a career. I can only hurt my back for so long," Christian chuckled and grabbed Viviana's hand with his free one. "You coming to watch batting practice?"

"I wouldn't want to miss my MVP doing MVP things." Vivi smiled at him, walking with him to the batting cages.


After their game, Viviana couldn't wait to get home with Christian so he could see the kids. It seemed like it had been forever and she knew that Eiley and Sawyer were beyond ready to see their dad.

"They might be sleeping, I'm not sure. Eiley might still be awake.." Viviana said quietly as they walked in. When they walked in, Eiley was sitting on the couch and looked quickly at the door and got off the couch, running to Christian.

"Daddy!!!" She exclaimed, jumping on him. "Oh my goodness, daddy!" 

Christian picked her up, allowing her to wrap her arms around his neck. "Hi, princess. I missed you so much."

Eiley laid her head on Christian's shoulder, "I missed you so bad, daddy...You are not going away again!"

"Okay, deal! You're coming with me next time." He told his daughter, kissing the side of her head. "Are your brother and sister sleeping?"

She nodded, "Addy went sleep a little bit ago, and Sawyer just went sleep." She replied, "I awake, watching movies with Gia." She said before laying her head back down again. "I miss you so bad, daddy..."

"I missed you too, princess. I'm so happy to be with you again. Felt like I was gone for forever!" Christian replied, rubbing Eiley's back, still holding her. "How about we go sit down on the couch or go in your room and get you ready for bed?"

Eiley shook her head, "I not tired yet, daddy. I don't want to go to bed.." She clung onto Christian, not wanting to let go.

Christian nodded, "So do you want to go lay on the couch with me? I'm tired." He asked her, earning a nod and he walked over there, sitting down on the couch with Eiley on his lap. "Did you help mommy out while I was gone?"

"I was a good girl, daddy! I help mommy lots." Eiley replied, giggling.

Viviana had changed into some sweats and a t-shirt before walking back into the living room. "I heard a familiar giggle." She smiled and sat next to them, "Aren't you so happy he's home, Eiley Rose?"

Eiley nodded, "So much, mommy. I miss him a lot." She laid her head on Christian's chest.

"She's been waiting to see you. Asked every day when we were going to see you." Viviana mentioned to Christian, "When is daddy coming home? When can we go watch daddy play? Why is he gone for so long?" Vivi laughed, "It went on and on.."

Christian smiled, rubbing Eiley's back, "I missed her a lot. I want to go get Adelaide, but I know she's sleeping. I wanna hold my little girl..."

Viviana nodded, "Yeah, she's been sleeping really good, though! Finally in her own bed, and she's just been a rockstar." She moved and kissed Christian's cheek, "I missed having you home. Was definitely quieter around here.."

"I missed having all the chaos around me. The house felt super quiet and huge seeing as I was the only one in the home for a period of time." He shrugged, "But, I get to be with my family again and we're back in our own home." 

losin control; c. yelich. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now