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It was a new week. Viviana had finally been able to get back into modeling which meant she was able to travel again. She was out to London for a week, leaving Christian alone with the two kiddos.

It was the first time Christian was left alone with the two kids by himself. He hadn't done this before, the nerves were running high. Viviana had that done no problem, it just came naturally for her, being an amazing mother.

But this was a new experience for Christian. He knew he was going to be okay, he knew it wouldn't be that bad. He hoped.

"Daddy, I hungwy.." Eiley said as she walked into the bedroom where Christian was folding laundry. "And Sawyer run over my foot with his rolly thing.." She said, looking at her cast, then at him.

"I'll be right there, hon. Go tell Sawyer to be nice." Christian said, finishing up the folding.

"SAWYER! DADDY SAID BE NICE RIGHT NOW!" Eiley yelled as she walked back down the hall. Christian just shook his head, laughing to himself. She really was a character.

Christian made Eiley lunch and got Sawyer all fed and changed before he laid Sawyer down for a nap and gave Eiley her tablet and a little juice box. "You can either lay on the couch or in my bed, Eils. I don't want you on that for too long, though." Eiley ran to the couch and grabbed her blanket before cuddling up on the couch. When Christian walked into the room, he could hear his laptop going off and Viviana's name was on the screen, requesting a FaceTime call. He quickly answered and saw Viviana sitting in what looked like a hair and make up room.

"I thought I would call and see how you were doing before I went back on set.." Viviana said with a smile, "Everything okay?"

He nodded, smiling, "Yeah, baby. We're all doing good. Just got Sawyer down for a nap. Gave them both lunch and now Eiley is on her tablet on the couch watching some Disney plus." He chuckled, "How are you doing?"

Viviana shrugged, "Y'know, photo shoots. They're long and draining.." She laughed, "But, this one is kind of fun. Get to model a bunch of lingerie and some cute dresses." She wiggled her eyebrows and Christian had a smirk on his lips.

"Oh? Do I get to see any?" He asked, sitting down on the bed.

"I dunno, maybe. Why not just wait until you can see the real thing in person?"

"Because I don't know if I can wait that long, babygirl! That's too long!"

Viviana giggled, "It's only a couple more days. I'm missing you and the kiddos though. Do they miss me?"

Christian looked at the television then back at her, "Yeah, Sawyer keeps going around in his roller chair yelling "mama", and Eiley asked how your picture taking was going." He chuckled, shaking his head. "She's been something else."

"Gia said if you need someone to watch the kiddos while you go to practice or something, she said she will help you out. I don't want you to have to worry about hauling the kids around all around the ballpark when you're trying to focus on work." Viviana told her husband, sighing, "She knows that you're watching those two on your own."

"Oh, I know. She texted me. I'm gonna take them there tomorrow while I have a game and an early ass practice." He took a deep breath, "I have a 7AM practice, and game isn't until 3.." Christian just rolled his eyes.

Viviana looked puzzled, "Why so early? I'm sorry, babe.."

"I wish I knew, honestly. I think they wanna do a lot of field practice and then batting practice. My batting coach wanted to work one-on-one with me. I need to improve a little. My average is falling."

"Baby, you're an MVP, you can't get better than you." She smiled, looking at her make up artist as she touched up her lipstick, "But hey, I gotta get going. I just wanted to call and make sure you were doing okay. If you need anything, please don't be afraid to text me or call me, baby."

losin control; c. yelich. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now