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Marriage. Something that crossed Viviana's mind often. She knew that she wanted to get married to Christian, but she never knew how to properly ask him when they wanted to tie the knot. They both were so busy with their own careers, trying to plan a wedding and the parties just didn't seem possible at the time. But, she knew that she wanted to be married to him within the next year.

"So, are you like living with Christian now? You're never home.." Vivi's sister Gia asked her as she handed Viv a cup of coffee.

Vivi shrugged, looking at her sister, "I don't know. A lot of my stuff is there, but, I still consider this home too. I just don't know how to bring it up with him, I mean, I'm sure he wouldn't have a problem with me moving back into the apartment, but at the same time, I don't want to leave you.." She admitted, looking at her cup.

"Hey, don't worry about me. All I care about is that you're happy, and doing amazing with your life. You have your boy back, and that's all that matters, right?" Gia asked Viviana, Vivi nodded in response.

"You two are in love, and that's all I want for you. You wanted him back for so long and you finally have him back, I understand when you're not going to be home because you're with your boyfriend, Vi.."

Viviana sighed, looking back up at Gia, "Do you think he would get mad if I asked him about marriage...?" She asked Gia who nearly choked on her coffee.

"Marriage?" Her sister stammered out, "You want to tie the knot with him?" She asked her, Vivi just sat there frozen.

"I mean, yeah...It's something we talked about even before the break up.." Vivi told her, "He's my favorite person on this planet.." She admitted, "I don't want to lose him again, and before we broke up, we talked about us getting married close to his birthday, but like around the five year dating mark." She said, stirring her spoon in her coffee before taking a sip.

Gia shrugged, leaning against the counter. "I think you two could do marriage. I mean, maybe not right now because you two are so busy, but, you two will have to start thinking about settling down eventually..." She told her sister, "I mean, I don't know how your schedules work, especially his, but, I know you're busy with modeling and schooling, but I think you two could at least work out the engagement for a while, get your lives connected schedule wise, and then work your way towards planning a wedding.."

Viv nodded, going through thoughts in her head. She didn't really know how to react to news like that, she didn't really know how to ultimately approach Christian with the question.

"But hey, that's just my thinking. I'm honestly surprised he hasn't knocked you up yet.. I feel like you two are always touchy with one another." Gia said, and Vivi's breath got hitched in her throat.

Viviana shook her head, letting out a nervous chuckle. "Oh no, no. I make sure to get a Plan B. But, he told me the other night that he wants a kid.." She told her sister.

"He did?"

Viv nodded, taking a deep breath. "I shot him down quick, telling him that we need to be more stable and not as busy as we are before I even think about getting pregnant..." She looked at her sister, "I mean, I do want to have kids...Just, don't know if I would be a good momma.."

Gia rolled her eyes, shaking her head, "Vi, you are going to be an amazing parent when that time comes! You are naturally a caring person, and I'm sure having a kid would just make that explode by a thousand." She told her, hugging her sister. "You and Christian would be amazing parents, and would have amazing, beautiful children." She giggled, "I mean, look at you two! Honestly, a beautiful couple."

"I just get nervous thinking about it, y'know?" Viv asked, "I get those thoughts in my head on when that time comes and I'm a mom, what if my kid doesn't want anything to do with me? What if I can't care for them?"

losin control; c. yelich. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now