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The days were getting easier and easier for the couple when it came to learning how to balance their lives and three kids. With Adelaide growing up at a healthy rate, it made things less complicated. The stress was eating Viviana alive and it was prevalent when it came to her everyday mood. She just wanted to make sure her kids were happy and her husband were happy. Their happiness came before her own.

Surely she didn't expect to have three kids at this age when Christian was in his prime for baseball and just signed a contract extension, it was definitely going to be an adjustment.

"Vivi? Where you at?" Christian called out, looking in the bedroom and bathroom, unable to find where Viviana was. He walked down the hall into Adelaide's room, where he found Vivi feeding their baby. "Oh, there you are."

Viviana smiled up at him, "She was hungry, figured she would want something," she laughed, "Are the other two playing in the backyard?"

He nodded, "Yeah, I trust Eils to watch Sawyer on the playground." Christian replies, "I always get a little cautious though since she broke her arm on the swing, but she knows to be more careful."

"She's such a good big sister. It came so natural for her," Viviana rubbed Adelaide's back, "Right, princess? Your big sissy is so great!" She smiled, kissing her forehead. "Addy looks just like Eiley when she was a baby, with some of your facial features."

"Yeah, it's crazy," Christian commented, "I can't believe how big she's getting too! Seems like yesterday she was just a little teeny baby." 

Viviana smiled at Christian and nodded, "For sure. She needs to stop growing up! Makes me older!" she giggled, wiping off Adelaide's mouth and sat her up, patting her back gently. 

He leaned over and kissed her cheek, "You are such a great mom, you know that?" he asked her, smiling. "Like, you are so strong, and you just raise these kids like a champ. I bet they're very lucky to have you as their mom.." 

"Oh, stop," Viviana told him, shaking her head, "Their dad is pretty amazing too. Balancing his crazy life? Don't know how he does it," 


"You think the kids will like the backyard space?" Christian asked Viviana as they toured another house. The one they were currently living in was becoming too small for their family, it was time for an adjustment.

Vivi shrugged, "As long as they're able to have a swingset and a pool? I think they'll be fine," she smiled at him, "I love the space though. I think the kids will like the size of their rooms. I mean, Addy won't care, but Eiley will be glad to not have to share a room with her little sister anymore." 

Christian nodded, "Yeah, and I think it'll be good for them to be in a new place. Like a different part of town, y'know? Expand the horizons," he chuckled, "I think we should put an offer in on this one.."

After talking with the realtor, the couple put in an offer on the house and bid their goodbyes before heading to the car. 

"I'm thinking Chinese food for dinner, what do you think?" Christian suggested to his wife as they both got in the car.

"I think that sounds amazing.." Vivi smiled at him, reaching for his hand as he drove. "As much as I love spending time with the kiddos, it's always nice to have a day alone with you.." She kissed his hand gently.

Christian glanced over at her, "I agree. I think it's what keeps our relationship strong, y'know?" he gave her hand a slight squeeze, "I love spending time with the kids too, but, sometimes it's just nice to unwind and have a little less stress on our plates for a little bit. Even if it's only for a couple of hours.." 

"I agree," Vivi replied, "And the kids don't mind because they love Gia, but it just makes me happy knowing that they're comfortable with being gone from us for a little while. I remember Eiley used to get so cranky. But, she was an only child at the time and we spoiled her like crazy.." 

He nodded, "Yeah, I think we spoiled all the kids a lot. I know I spoiled Sawyer a lot when he was a baby, probably because he's my only son, so I want to make sure he knows he's the second man of the house." he chuckled, "He likes telling his sisters that he's the boss, but then he remembers that Eiley's older than him."

Viviana laughed, "He's a character, for sure. I think he really looks up to you. You definitely are a role model for him.." 

"You think so?" Christian asked, looking over at her when they reached a red light.

"No doubt about it. He idolizes you and wants to be just like you when he grows up. He loves watching you on television, and he loves going to games, and he loves any moment he gets with you on his own.." Vivi told him, "I mean, Eiley's the same way. She adores you and of course she loves me, but she's always going to be a daddy's girl."

He listened to her talk, nodding here and there. As much as they talked about the kids, it was always reassuring knowing that Christian was doing this whole fathering thing correctly. He always feared that he would be a bad dad. Having an absent father didn't really help him throughout his life; having to be the man of the house until his stepdad came around, it was a challenge. Being the eldest didn't really help that at all, either. He had to lead by example. 

"I really appreciate hearing that, Vi. Seriously. I always think that I'm doing something wrong or just anything to screw up and I know that those kids look up to me and I want to make sure I'm setting a good example.." Christian replied, "Just making sure I'm doing my best."

Vivi kissed his hand again, "Baby, you don't even have to try. Everything is just natural for you. You are a natural caregiver and I think that's something to cherish."

losin control; c. yelich. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now