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Vivi laid her head in Christian's lap as the two watched television in the living room. Eiley was sitting in her playpen, playing with her toys, humming and babbling to herself. Christian played with Viviana's hair as she watched the television. She then turned to look up at him, "Can you believe she's going to be one?" 

Christian shook his head, "No, it's crazy to me. I remember just like it was yesterday and you were telling me you were pregnant.." 

"After hiding it from you for twelve weeks..." She giggled, shaking her head, "It's just crazy how everything came full circle. To us working things out, to having a baby, to getting engaged, I still remember our first date, our first kiss, our first time..." Vivi grabbed his hand, kissing it lightly. "I remember so many little details about everything, it just makes me smile when I think about it." 

"I remember our first kiss. We were in my car in my driveway because we had went to the movies, and I had asked you if you just wanted to come back to my place and chill for a bit and you were like hesitant at first because you didn't want to get in trouble, but I knew you didn't want to leave.." Christian explained, continuing to play with her hair.

"And I remember a Post Malone song was on and we just kind of sat there for a couple moments in the dark and you just looked at me, and I knew you wanted me to kiss you.."

Vivi blushed, "I was trying so hard not to make it obvious that I was looking at your lips, but I did it a lot when you talked, I do it a lot now, too." She shrugged, looking up at him.

Christian laughed, "I caught onto it pretty quickly but I didn't mind it," He shrugged, "And I was fucking lame and reached over saying like, 'oh you got something by your lip' and I leaned in and kissed you." He shook his head, "I was so fucking dumb. But hey, I did what I wanted to do."

"I actually thought it was pretty cute." Vivi smiled, "I didn't know who was going to make the first move, because I wanted to kiss you so bad, but I didn't know when the right moment to do it." 

She laughed, "I also remember our first time together very vividly; I didn't think it was going to happen that night you came over, and I remember I was cleaning my room before you came over because it was trashed and I had put on a random playlist and it was like my what you would call dirty playlist." Vivi's cheeks got all red, reflecting back on her and Christian's first time. "We were just messing around for a little bit and I had gotten up and you pulled me back in your lap and I remember 'Girl with the Tattoo' by Miguel was playing,"

"The mood was super calm and chill," Christian stated, "I could tell you were nervous, that's why it almost didn't happen that night, because I didn't want to rush anything. We had only known each other for like two months at that time, but I was certain that I wanted you to be my girl by then." He continued, "I remember that was probably one of my favorite nights.."

Vivi looked at him, "Really? Why?" 

Christian shrugged, "Because you felt safe with me and you put your trust in me." 

She nodded, "When you had asked me if I was sure if I wanted to, that's when I knew that I was going to be able to trust you and that you weren't just wanting to use me for a quick fuck.." Vivi sat up and kissed his cheek, "I think that was the night I really started falling for you hard.." 

Christian smiled and kissed her, softly. "I love you, Vivi." He said and wrapped his arms around her.

"I love you, Christian. So much." She smiled, kissing his cheek. "I'm very thankful to have you in my life. I always thank Garrett for bringing me to that baseball game.." Vivi told him, running her fingers through his hair. "I seriously don't want anyone else but you."

"That makes me happy to hear," Christian said, rubbing her side, "I definitely don't picture myself with anyone else but you. Maybe why I asked you to marry me.." He smirked before kissing her again. "And I can't wait for that, either." 

Vivi nodded, "My mom is going to be flying out next month again and we're gonna go wedding dress shopping. I can't wait. But, I don't know if I wanna do just like a plain white dress? Or add a little sparkle? I don't know."

"Well, you'll look amazing in any style. I know I'm going to be a mess when you walk down the aisle, I can already see it." Christian laughed, Vivi wrapped them up in the blanket.

"I told my mom I have to look for all the waterproof makeup possible because I'm going to be crying a lot that day," She giggled, "But I'm going to have a different dress for the reception, and I think I know which one I want to get.." 

Christian rose an eyebrow, "Will I get to see what either of the dresses look like before the big day?"

Vivi shook her head, "No way! It's all about the element of surprise, baby! I wanna see your genuine reaction. I know with the second dress, you aren't going to be able to keep your hands off of me." 

"Oh, yeah? One of those dresses? Well now I wanna know!" Christian laughed, shaking his head.

Eiley tossed one of her toys out of her playpen and giggled, standing up and held the side of the playpen. "Dada! Momma!" She yelled.

Christian got up and walked over to her, and picked her up. "Why are you throwing your things?" He asked her, poking her tummy. "Trying to get our attention?" He laughed, sitting back down on the couch with Eiley who looked at Viviana, smiling with a couple of her teeth growing in. 

"Hi, princess." Viviana smiled, "You causing trouble?" She sat Eiley in her lap and kissed all over her face, causing Eiley to giggle more and let out high pitch squeals. 

"Momma! No! Momma!" Eiley yelled out and Vivi just shook her head, continuing to do it, making Eiley giggle more. 

Viviana laughed, "Okay, okay! I'll stop. But be careful, daddy might tickle you." 

Christian looked at Eiley and picked her up, holding her up above his head. "Oh, what are you gonna do now, Eils? You're up in the air! You gotta fly down!" He said, sitting her back in his lap.

"Dada! No do." Eiley spit out, hitting Christian's chest.

"Hey, no hitting. That's not nice." Christian told her and she did it again. "Eiley Rose! Do you wanna go in your room? We'll start nap time early.." 

"No no!" Eiley said loudly, "No dada!" She wrapped her arms around his neck, laying her head on his shoulder; Her form of saying sorry. 

"Say sorry and give me a kiss on the cheek." Christian said and Eiley pressed her lips against Christian's cheek, giving him a sloppy kiss and laid her head back on his shoulder. 

"She is such a daddy's girl," Vivi commented, "Even when she's being a little sass." She scrunched up her nose at Eiley who just giggled. 

Christian smiled, rubbing Eiley's back, "I have to still get her one more thing for her birthday...Travis and Ryan were helping me out with it." He told Vivi, Eiley's head popped up when he mentioned birthday. "Me?" Eiley looked at Christian.

He nodded, "Yeah you! Your birthday is coming up! We're gonna have lots of cake and presents." He kissed her cheek. "Nummy?" Eiley asked, playing with Christian's lip, "Nana?" 

Vivi smiled at her, "Yeah, buggy! Nana and papa are gonna come, and we're gonna have so much fun!" She fixed Eiley's headband and kissed her forehead, "You are getting sooo big!" Vivi poked Eiley's tummy and she giggled, shaking her head. "Sooo big!" Viviana took her out of Christian's arms and sat her in her lap. "You have your daddy's smile, and his cute nose." She giggled, looking at Christian, "So basically, she's the cutest kid around." Vivi said, Christian just laughed and rolled his eyes. 

"We made a damn cute kid, I have to agree." Christian told her, kissing Eiley's cheek then kissed Viviana. "Definitely got all her looks from her momma, though."

losin control; c. yelich. ✔️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora