Chapter 50: Captured

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The jeep came speeding with reckless abandon down the hill. Jorge leaned out the window, whooping and yelling. Everyone seemed to be frozen, watching the jeep come at them. Just before it hut a bunch of stacked boxes and crates Jorge dove out the door, rolling to a stop. The jeep hit the boxes and flipped. It flew end over end, like a slow motion action movie, it slammed into the helicopter. 

"DOWN!" I screamed, yanking everyone around me down. 

The jeep and the helicopter exploded. Jeep parts was thrown in ever direction, the helicopter blades came swinging towards us, they were cutting huge craters into the earth. 


I shoved Thomas out of the way, diving after him. We missed the helicopter blade by inches. But I lost sight of Minho and everyone else in the wild chaos. WICKED had started shooting, grabbing anyone they could. Blue electricity balls were exploding everywhere. People were screaming. The Right Arm was trying to get some kind of semblance of a resistance. 

"Thomas!" I screamed, grabbing his arm and yanking him up, "Come on. Come on!" 

"Get her out of here!"  

I turned around I saw Janson yelling,  a few guards surrounded Ave Paige as she ran up the ramp.  Thomas had his feet under him now, this time he yanked me towards the hill. 

"You good?" He yelled over the noise, I nodded. I wanted to go after Janson, but Thomas was yelling something and pointed, I saw some of the guys running towards the huge gun in the back of the truck. I saw Minho, Newt and Fry. 


Thomas and I spun around. A guard was holding one of those launchers at us. 

"Drop it, kid!" He indicated at Thomas, who still held the explosive. I gave him a quick side eye, we had a silent split second conversation. He chucked the explosive, pressed the detonator. It exploded, sending WICKED guards flying. This time Thomas tackled me to the ground, we wrapped our arms around our heads and waited for the raining debris to stop raining down large metal parts of helicopter and jeep. We scrambled to our feet.

"Run!" I gave him a shove towards the guys surrounding the truck.  

"Get down!" 

I tackled him this time. On the way down, I slammed my head on something on the ground, making my vision go fuzzy. I rolled to a stop. I had to lay there for a second, my head was spinning, and I had black spots dancing in my eyes.

"What a waste."

"No no no." I whispered.

I turned my head and saw Janson was standing over Thomas, holding a gun pointed at his head. I rolled onto my hands and knees. I wasn't going to go down by a Rat laying on my back. When I got to my knees, my head spun, and the ground teetered under me. I growled and tried to get up. There was a crack of a gun, and a bullet ripped through Janson's shoulder.


I recognized that voice. I looked around, Brenda was kneeling behind a crate full of supplies, she had a shot gun, and took out another guard as he came running towards us. She was actually a good shot, despite missing the kill shot in Janson. But she did save Thomas's life. Janson had screamed and stumbled backwards. He dropped his gun, and grabbed his shoulder. He spun around and ran away, getting lost in the smoke and cross fire. I scrambled for the gun. Thomas got to his feet, and grabbed my arm.

"Keep going. I got you. Brenda yelled, as she spun around to take another guard out. That's what Thomas should have done, thrown the explosive and taken the Heads out, snipper style. I saw another person materialize out of the gloom and smoke. She dropped down beside Brenda and started to take out the guards

Intentional Killer - Book 2 In The Jessie SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now