Chapter 30: Escape

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Jorge flew down the zip line. Brenda was at the window, ready to shoo the next person out. Jason, Jeff, Frypan and  Newt had already gone.

"All right! Let's go!" She yelled, pulling a third cloth to the zip line. "Come on!"

"Everyone, go. Go! Come on."

"Aris, come on" I gave him a shove towards the window.

"All units, push in!" I heard a statick voice cut through the ridiculous music that was playing over the loud speakers, Brenda's frantic yelling, the chopper blades outside and the pounding of my heart. "They're on the top floor!"

"Shit. We need to speed this up! They're coming!" I cried.

"Go, Aris, go."

He had his toes hanging off the window ledge and had just pushed off, when Thomas had Teresa ready to go.

"Teresa, you're next. Come on."

She pushed off and disappeared into the night.

"Brenda! Where you going?" Thomas cried. I spun around and saw her bolt from the room.

"Dammit!" I cursed as I saw Thomas go after her.

I went to follow when someone grabbed my arm. I turned my head and saw Minho's worried face.

"Just go. I'm right behind you." I cried.


"If WICKED doesn't kill him I will. I'll see you in a minute. I love you!"

I shook my arm free. He gave me another worried look before reluctantly turning back to the window and Minho pushed through.

"Alpha 22 in pursuit."

Alpha 22? Are they from The Hall? Wouldn't surprise me. Sending in Wolves to hunt us down. The thought made me growl.

"We're on the move!"

I ran through the hall, trying to track down Brenda and Thomas. I was going to kill both of them if we made it out alive. I could hear the guards storming up the stairs. I didn't need the communication device to know their location now.

"Brenda, come on. What are you doing?"

I skidded to a stop and backed up. Throwing the door open I saw Thomas trying to pull Brenda away from a dresser.

"We gotta go!" I screamed. "Move or we die."

"I got it." She cried, grabbing something small from the dresser and shoving it into her pocket.

"Come on." Thomas cried, pulling her.

"It better be worth die for you idiot!" I cursed. We had just made it to the door again when I heard the guards storm around the hall and the sound of guns cocking.

"Take cover!" I screamed and shoved them to the floor, I landed ontop of them as bullets ripped through the door and shattered the glass windows.

"Go! Go!"

I scrambled off of them.

"Stay low and go that way!" I pointed.

"Don't tell me what to do! I kno-"

"Shut up and listen to her!" Thomas interupted.

I didn't have the brain capacity to be smug about it. I was already going the other way, pulling two knives out.

"Come on, hurry! She knows what she's doing. Move!" Thomas urged.

"We're running out of time!" Brenda cried.

Intentional Killer - Book 2 In The Jessie SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now