Chapter 46: The Stand Off

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"Brenda! Brenda!" Jorge cried as he threw himself down on the ground beside Brenda. She was sweaty and breathing hard, her face was also extremely pale. I had a horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach. I recognized those symptoms. That's what Winston looked like. She had been infected with the Flare. 

"What's going on?" Vince asked crouching down, his face pulled into worry and concern. 

"Brenda!" Jorge shook her shoulders. Her head rolled, and her eyelids fluttered. "Brenda? Brenda, talk to me!" Jorge looked like he was close to panic. Her eyes rolled for a moment. Her eyelids fluttered open, her eyes were almost black and red rimed. She let out a few wet hacking coughs.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Her voice was quite and strained. Her eyes fluttered closed again. 

"What's going on with her?" Vince asked again, his voice had become sharp and demanding, he narrowed his eyes at Jorge and Brenda. His eyes travelling over her. 

"I don't know." Jorge cried, still trying to shack her back away. "Brenda? Talk to me!" 

Vince had pulled her sleeves up and then went to her pant legs. "What the hell?" He muttered. He pulled a bandage away from her calf and there was huge nasty raw bite mark. It looked infected and like rotting meat. 

"Shit!" Vince cursed, he scrambled backwards. "Crank! We got a Crank!" He cried. 

Everyone around him backed up in a panic, a few of Vince's men grabbed Jorge and yanked him away from Brenda. She didn't notice, she was struggling to breath. 

"No!" Jorge shrieked, trying to fight the guards who held him back, "No Vince! You can't! Please!" 

Vince had pulled a gun from his holster.

"No!" Thomas cried, springing forwards. "Wait, wait!" He held a hand up trying to stop Vince. 

"Step back!" Vince yelled, switching the safety off. A few more of his men pulled weapons.

That's when my protective instincts kicked in and the wolf inside reared her head. This time I jumped forwards. No one points a gun at Thomas without consequences. Only I was aloud to pick on him. I grabbed the first guys arm as I lunged forwards, twisting his arm, and slamming my elbow into his face, he dropped the gun. I caught it in my other hand. As I switched the safety off, I ducked the next guy  who tried to grab me, I dropped to my knees, spun out of reach. lashing out with a leg I kicked the guy in the knee and he crumpled with a dislocated knee cap. In a smooth motion I spun again, pulling a second gun. I was back on my feet standing beside Thomas with two guns, one pointed at Vince the other gun pointed to one of his other men. 

"Back the fuck off Vince." I snarled. "Just because you were the voice of an angel in my ear the one time doesn't mean I wont put a bullet in your fucken brain." 

Vince had a look of shock and anger mixed on his face, as I threatened him back. The Gladers had froze in place. Jason and Frypan had grabbed onto Minho, holding him back, Nana Ann had scooped up Sammy, who was making wild strangled crying noises, reaching out for me. 

"Listen, okay?" Thomas cried over the panic. "This just happened, okay? She's not dangerous yet." 

"You knew about this?" I hissed at Thomas, he just gave me a small side look. "You really are a fucken idiot! It's been more than a fucken week! just happened my ass! Ann could have helped!" 

"You shouldn't have her here!" Vince yelled back at us. "She's already turning!"

"I know." Thomas said again, his hand still held up, like he could stop the bullets with his hand.

Intentional Killer - Book 2 In The Jessie SeriesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora