Chapter 7: Locked Up

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I had no control over my limps. Everything hurt so much from being electrocuted, my chest was still heaving and I was panting. But I could see, my eyes were wide open and my hearing worked just fine. I watched as the extra guards made a circle around me, their backs to me, blocking me from view. Sergeant Barnes stood back, watching, always watching with his dark haunted slightly empty eyes. I growled as Janson crouched down. He grabbed my chin and forced my head to look at him. He sighed dramatically, like he was very disappointed in me. 

"Oh Jessica. I thought we were past being noncompliant?" 

I just growled and narrowed my eyes. 

"I have ways of making you cooperate. I was hoping to avoid that rout." Janson ripped his hand away. "Take her to her room." He looked down at me in contempt.

I felt my body lift off the floor, my arm hung and my head rolled. That was the last thing I remembered. My eyes rolled into my head and the world of darkness took me. 


I watched helplessly as a guard took hold of Jessie. I knew she was close to exploding. There had been no break since we found those cylinders inside the Grievers, which seemed so long ago now. It had been one thing after another, and Jessie's fuse was gone. I had watched as she slid onto the bench and engage the kid in conversation. I couldn't see the kids reaction but she kept talking. I watched her face light up and look eager.

But when Thomas yelped and got up from the table she whipped around, looking for a fight, it still blew my mind how attached and protective she had become over the guys. From wanting nothing to do with us, she now whirls around at any noise a knife in hand and ready for a fight. I tried to see what Thomas got upset about, and I saw Teresa being escorted down the hall surrounded by all kind of doctors and armed guards. Jessie and Thomas were now banging on the window and yelling, causing a bit of a scene and drawing the attention of the guards patrolling the cafeteria. 

I could feel apprehension growing. The tension was building and the bomb was ready to blow. The confrontation with the guards was getting heated. When the guard gave her a shove I got to my feet, but was held back. 

"JESSIE!" I screamed, she had just slammed her elbow into the guards face. 

I tried to fight the hands that held me, but someone else grabbed me. 

"Don't!" They hissed in my ear. "Look!" 

I twisted my head around and saw the sliding door open and Janson, Sergeant Barns and a whole squad of armed guards came marching in. I still fought and struggled, I didn't want to leave her alone, let her do this alone. She had lost Chuck and that was clouding everything, her hurt and pain highlighted her training. 

"Jessie!" I screamed again, trying to twist free and throw the hands off. She had just dropped the second guard, a knife in his chest, she had stabbed it under the bullet proof vest, which was really impressive. She straightened up and was hit in the back by some kind of blue electricity ball. 

"NO!" I dropped to my knees, horrified as I watched her twitch and spasm, screaming in pain. Blue cords of electricity jumped over her body. Her screams of pain cut through me, it was worse then watching my brothers die around me. Her screams of physical pain were just as hard to listen to as her screams of emotional pain. 

"Jessie!" I whispered, my eyes wide in panic, the hands had loosened their grip

There was nothing I could do but watch as the guards surrounded her facing the silent cafeteria. They all held guns ready to fire if anyone else moved. I could hear the murmured voices of Janson, and then I heard Jessies dry laugh of derision, and I had a small spark of pride. That girl could be in worlds of pain and still manage to spit in the face of anyone who pissed her off. She had such strength that I admired. but right now I watched as Sergeant Barns picked up her unconscious body and carried her away. 

Intentional Killer - Book 2 In The Jessie SeriesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora