Chapter 22: Don't Leave Me

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× I cried writing this chapter ×

I was at the entrance of our little shelter in a blink. My bow drawn tight, and an arrow ready to fly I stood silent and unmoving. I blinked the sleep from them. I narrowed my eyes, they flicked everywhere trying to find whatever I was looking for. It was silent and still. The only sound was the pounding of my heart, the rhythmic breathing of everyone sleeping, except Winston, his was shallow and ragged.

"Jess..?" Minho's sleep laced voice made my knees weak.

"Shh." I hissed, not taking my eyes away from the dark.

"What's going on? What's wrong?" He whispered, coming to stand right behind me, a possessive protective hand gently on my hip.

"Something was watching us. Wake Aris and Tess. And get Jason away from the entrance. And don't wake the Greenie. I don't need him thomasing this situation."

He listened without question. I stepped slowly and cautiously a little further out. Slowly sweeping what I could see. I couldn't see anything or hear anything, but I could feel it. The hair on the back of my neck stood up, and I had that creepy crawling feeling of being watched by something.

I heard soft muffled voices and then Teresa and Aris were on either side of me. Both held long sharp knives in each hand. They didn't say anything but they both stiffened and slid even closer, guarding each other's backs.

"Something was watching us."

"A Crank?" Aris asked.

I shook my head slightly, eyes still flicking around, "I doubt it. It was too quiet and quick." I said quietly.

"WICKED?" Teresa suggested.

"Why would they just watch? Rat Man wants us back, he wouldn't be quiet and stealthy."

"Something's not adding up."

"Right. I'm going to sweep the area." I said.

"I'll take left." Teresa said immediately.

"Right." Aris nodded.

"Okay. I'll give Min the bow, he can guard the entrance. Whistle if you're clear. Shout if you need help."

I slid backwards. Minho was standing in the shadows, his powerful arms crossed. His eyes were dark and intense, but softened when he saw me.

"We're going to do a quick sweep, take the bow. Keep them safe. Stay in the shadows and dark enough away from the entrance. You still got your machete?"

He nodded, he handed me my knives and holster and I gave him then bow and arrows. His dark eyes watching me, I could see the unease in his eyes.

"I'll be fine." I reassured him with a small smile.

"I know. But you don't worry about yourself, so I do."

I kissed his cheek quickly. "I love you."

And then I was gone, melting into the shadows. Pulling two knives from my holster. I pulled my hood up and felt like I was transported back into the past; back into my forced assassin days. Only this time instead of killing a target for someone else's benefit, I was trying to keep what was left of my family safe.

I passed through the shadows light and quiet as a cat. I slowly crept forwards and climbed up the sand hill towards the next broken building. I crouched down and slowly looked around. It was a good place to sit and watch us. Whoever it was could see the entrance, see who was coming and going. They could pick off anyone who was at the entrance. I could just see Minho's profile.

Intentional Killer - Book 2 In The Jessie SeriesUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum