Chapter 44: Road Trip!

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The sun had set and it was getting dark. We had fallen asleep and then just lay beside each other enjoying the quiet peacefulness of the forest and each other. It had been a long time since it had been just us and it was nice to just have a few hours alone. With a heavy sigh, we slowly made our way back to the cabin. Our hands interlocked, his thumb drawing circles on the back of my hand. I was already dreading other people, I walked even slower.

"I wish the stupid shoulder was healed. I'm so shucken sick of this." I grumbled. "I'd climb to the roof and stay there for the night. It's too much. Too many people all the shucken time."

Minho was quiet as we made our way up the driveway. The front door banged open, standing in the doorway was Jorge and Ann. Both with frowns and arms folded. I could see Newt behind them as well.

"Where were you?" Jorge demand.

"Excuse me? Who are you my shucken father?"

"Answer the damn question." He demanded.

"No." I said simply.

"Look here! What you did-"

"I'm a fucken trained killer. Lived a fucken month alone in the worst possible living conditions, felt with more shit then you Jorge, so don't start when I want a few hours away from the chaos of everyone here. Back the fuck off."

His angry eyes flicked to Minho. Who just glared right back, his jaw set.

"We're both adults we can do whatever we want. When we shucken want. We answer to no one." He crossed his huge arms, lifting his chin. 

I stormed up the steps and shoved my way through Ann, Jorge and Newt and passed everyone else who had stopped and listened to the argument. I stormed to my bed grabbed some stuff and went to the bathroom and slammed the door shut. I stood in the warm water trying to calm my nerves. Sure find some people, form a family and they think they can tell you what to do. I growled through a clenched jaw as I forced myself to use my arm in the shower.

Ann had said the damage wasn't as bad as it first looked. And she had given me another injection of the regeneration cell modification stuff that's supposed to increase the healing in injuries. Groaned and placed my head on the shower wall. I wanted to leave and get the the Right Arm. Maybe then Minho and I could have our own place. I turned the water off and dried off and got dressed. I looked in the mirror as I towel dried my hair. I guess that second round of regenerative medicine worked, the scratches were just pink lines now, turning into scares which would hopefully disappear over time. The bruises were almost faded as well. Just the stupid shoulder and my side still ached. But I would live.

I did notice a few new small bruises in my neck and chest. I rolled my eyes and shook my head. Minho called them his love bites. The corner of my lip flicked up. I finished getting ready for bed. Minho was waiting outside the bathroom for a shower. He kissed my forehead and slid into the room. Instead of going to the girls room I went to the room Minho was sharing with Newt, Jason and Thomas.

"Where are you going?"

"To bed."

"Your bed is the opposite direction."

I just flipped him off and shoved the boys door open without knocking. I didn't even acknowledge the guys as they yelped in surprise, Jason threw his arms up over his bare chest. Thomas screamed like a girl and Newt just rolled his eyes and lay back down.

I walked directly to Minho's bed, pulled his hoodie on and crawled in. The guys rolled their eyes after the initial shock was over and continued to do whatever they were doing before. I pulled the blanket up to my chin snuggled my face into his pillow and was almost asleep when he came back. He chuckled and slid down beside me.

Intentional Killer - Book 2 In The Jessie SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now