Chapter 34: Red Bouncy Ball

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I had finished with the food Auntie Ann had brought me and had placed the try on the table beside my bed. I actually did feel a whole lot better. Eating actual food and not just granola bars and packaged military food really helped. I slid to the edge of the bed, pulling the blanket with me, seeing as I had no clothes except my underwear on and had just got up onto wobbly legs when the door opened. 

Auntie Em came in, she had a smile on her face, "It's good to see you up on your feet again. How are you feeling?" 

"Better. Auntie Ann is a good cook." I said curtly. 

My distrust growing with every second, now that my mind wasn't so clouded with pain. I absolutely got an uncomfortable vibe from her. Her smile was almost too bright. She went to her table again. 

"That she is, she was always a lovely cook." 

There was silence. I stood awkwardly. Not sure what to do. I saw my backpack by the bed against the wall along with the few knives and arrows I had left. I was surprised my bow and arrows made it through that vicious dog fight. 

"Don't suppose you have clothes? And a place I could possibly wash up a bit?" 

"Oh yes, how silly of me. I'm terribly sorry dear. Yes, just give me a moment." 

She fiddled with something and then she turned and walked out of the room. I frowned, as I watched her go. I slowly walked to the table, curious to see what she was always puttering with. At the table there was a flat computer. It was locked, needing a passcode and finger lock. My suspicions grew, the hairs on my neck stood up, and my danger alarm was going off. I ruffled around the table; there were medical recipes, different measurements of things, what the different healing properties of different plants, pamphlets of the Flare. There was an older very well used folder that caught my eye. It was  hiding under under a stack of books. I glanced at the door and then pulled the folder out and nearly dropped it. Stamped on the front was WICKED, and under that was the seal of The Hall. It was the same mark that I had burned onto my skin years ago. I subconsciously ran a few fingers over the burn behind me ear. I shook my head, I needed to focus. I flipped the folder open. 

There were lists of names; some crossed off, some highlighted and some blacked out. There were papers with a name stamped on the top, a small picture and general health information. I riffled through the pages. There was other information that made no scene to me, long chemistry problems and other medical jargon, a medical report on an a failed attempt at the brain washing. I froze. I saw a page with my information. And right behind it was Teresa's. I took them, along with the list of names, folding them together. I slid the envelope back where I found it with shaking hands and went to my backpack. I slid it into my notebook and just as I was zipping it up the door opened behind me. 

"Come on dear, I have a shower ready for you." 

With my back to Auntie Em, I slid a small knife out and hid it under the blanket and slowly rose up to my feet, holding my backpack tight in my arms. I pulled the blanket tight around me again. I slowly followed her out of the room. Now that I was functional, this looked like a doctor's office. A small waiting room with a few chairs, a skink and counter, and a small wood work desk scattered with papers and other medical things scattered around. The little Tarzan boy was rolling on the floor with a ball. 

"Is his real name Tarzan?" I asked, actually generally curious about the boy. 

"No. But he never answered to his name. His mind doesn't work like it should. He is extremely intelligent...but...sometimes a little wild...little an animal, or Tarzan. It's impossible to get him to bath."

I watched him for a little. He was cute like a wild little cat. But the longer I watched the more my heart broke. The Handler and The Hall did this to him.

Intentional Killer - Book 2 In The Jessie SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now