Chapter 43: The Woods

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🔥🌶️ Spicy Kissing scene 🌶️🔥

The cabin was always full of activity, it wasn't very big, and there was a lot of us now. We kept adding more people to our group. But everyone always found a way to pitch in, washing dishes, laundry, and chopping wood, or any thing else that needed to be done. Everyone had smiles on.

And despite all of us being over the age of 16, and all of us having been made to grow up and act as adults, Ann had a way of grandmothering all of us and we just accepted it. People started calling her Nana Ann and it stuck. She would smile, and her kind eyes would sparkle. As a joke I started calling Jorge Papi. Both names stuck. Jorge would grumble about the name, but secretly I knew he loved it.

There was talks about leaving soon. Jorge had lost contact with the Right Arm. There was no cell service out here, but he didn't seem worried. He knew the location of their outpost. Thomas seemed to be the only one anxious to keep moving. But we couldn't leave until Jorge fixed Bertha. Apparently we had hit a Crank on the way out of the city, something was now wrong with the engine, there was also a blown out tire. So Jorge and Jason were trying to fix it.

Jeff and Teresa had become quite attached to Ann, who was showing them all kinds of medical things. Frypan and Ann had hit it off and made some of the best meals I could remember eating. Sam had relaxed and become friends with everyone. He became everyone's little brother. We were one weird giant family.


I sat on the table, a cup of hot coffee sitting beside me I had that weird little communication device in my hand again. I was fiddling with it. Trying to remember where it came from, why I had it, who was on the other end and what it's purpose was. Everytime I tried I just couldn't remember. It was driving me crazy. I hadn't told anyone about it. There werr footsteps on the front steps and the door banged open. I slid the little communication device into my pocket as Minho came in from a long run.

He was breathing hard and sweating, he went straight to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water and then sauntered over to me.

"Dutchess." He smirked.

He pulled out a chair that was in front of me and sat down, propping his feet onto the table beside my hip, crossing his booted feet. His intense dark eyes watched me hungry. His crooked smirk and his intense eyes made my heart beat faster.

"Hello handsome."

"How are you feeling?"

"Lazy and frustrated."

"You were shot and stabbed less then a week ago woman! You nearly bleed out twice, apparently!"

"And your point? It was a week ago. I'm fine." I waved my good arm dismissively.

"You're still in a sling. You sit on that cute ass and heal."

I rolled my eyes, I picked up my coffee and slipped it. He absentmindedly grabbed my ankle and pulled my foot into his lap and rubbed his thump over the arch of my foot.

"Though I do make a mean cup of coffee." I smirked at him over the top of my mug.

"I bet you do."

There was a comfortable silence as he slipped his water and me my coffee. I loved that he was comfortable with silence. Not every lull in our conversation needed to be filled with talk. There was noise all around, people busy with this and that.

"Where's Jason? Didn't he go with you?"

"Jorge had a question about the van."

I hummed.

Intentional Killer - Book 2 In The Jessie SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now