Chapter 26: I Do Love Ponies

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"MINHO!" I tried screaming.

No. No no no no! I couldn't loose him too! Anyone but him!

Jason tried to stop me, but I threw myself away from him and onto the ground. Trying to get to Minho.

I was screaming in pain myself, shrieks of agony that sent sharp pains through my head. I collapsed a few times on my attempt to get to him. Somewhere, Thomas appeared out if the storm. He was saying something as he dropped to the ground, but I couldn't hear still, my ears were ringing and over the wind and wild thunder and sizzling I was completely deaf. I tried blinking a few times, by each time my vision got worse. My arms finally gave out and I collapsed back to the ground. Laying on the hard backed earth, I watched helplessly as Thomas did what he could to save Minho.

He dug into the earth and shoveled it on top of Minho with both hands, scooping frantically. Aiming for the brightest points of flame, he made progress as Minho helped by rolling around and beating at his upper body with both hands.

In a matter of seconds, the fire went out, leaving behind charred clothing and angry wounds. My own face twisted in agony as I could see Minho's wails of pure pain, at this moment I was glad I couldn't hear anything.

Thomas grabbed their leader by the shoulders and dragged him to his feet. As soon as Minho was up, he threw himself back down, beside me. I couldn't get back up, something was wrong and I couldn't move properly.

Someone appeared out if the gloom again. This time Minho didn't fight Thomas as he dragged him up. Someone lifted me to my feet, my head flopped, and my eyes fluttered. Whoever had me, was carrying me at this point. My eyes wouldn't open, but I could still see the bright flashes of lightning.

All around them, the lightning continued to fall like arrows of white fire. I could feel the silent impact of the explosions, each one rattling my sore pounding skull, shaking my bones. Flashes of light all around. Another bolt if electricity hit the ground right behind me and whoever was helping. It sent us through the air. I landed, and my head slammed into the ground. And everything went black.


The first thing I was aware of was how sore and achy my body was, like I had a fever. The second thing was the bussing and ringing in my ears had died down, and I could hear muffled sounds. The third was someone had my face between their hands.

A small whimper escaped my lips. And like a switch was turned on, my hearing hit me and hard. I heard voices mixing, everyone talking over each other.

"Come on! Hurry up!"
"Come on! Get in."
"Is that everyone?"
"Ya, Aris, you were the last."
"Put her down."
"Watch his head."
"Who's got a light?"
"All three?"
"Minho! Jess! Tess!"

My mind was having trouble processing what was going on. Minho and I were struck by lightning. Teresa was too? I whimpered.

"Come on, come on."
"Jess? Teresa?"
"Come on, guys."
"Wait. I heard her whimper!"

There was a cough beside me and then loud voices all talking over each other again.

"What happened?"

I heard a horse voice ask.

"You and Jess were struck by bloody lightning!"

There was silence for a moment. And then,

"Oh...did I get any cool super powers?"

Intentional Killer - Book 2 In The Jessie SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now