Chapter 39: Catching Up

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My bruised and broken body slowly calmed down. The wild gasping sobs turned to sniffles and hiccups. Minho didn't rush me, he just held me, gently running his hand up and down my back while the other one still held my head and he played with my hair. His touch and closeness slowly healing my bruised and broken heart. I didn't want to move. I wanted to stay here for ever, ignore the world and the horridness of everything. But alas something always crushed that dream. 

There was a light knock on the door. Minho looked up, Teresa had poked her head in. She had a small smile on her face, her eyes were soft with understanding; despite her staying in the room while I extracted information from Marcus rather violently. She was quite the enigma; staying soft and gentle despite having a past like mine. 

"Hey, I have someone here who is very worried about Jess. Can he come in?" 

I lifted my tear stained face from Minho's shoulder and looked around. Tarzan was hiding behind Teresa's legs. His dirty little face peeked out. His little chin was quivering and his big eyes were glassy with tears. I gave him a small smile. I held a hand out for him. He slid out from behind Teresa and scampered over, but stopped before he got too close. He was looking at Minho with a weary eye, like he was unsure. Minho could look pretty intimidating on a regular basis, when he wanted to. 

"So this is the infamous Tarzan." Minho said, raising an eyebrow. 

Tarzan narrowed his eyes, stood up straight and tall. The teddy bear and his red bouncy ball still clutched in his hands, he placed his hands on his hips and he barred his teeth with a growl. I pressed my lips together, trying hard not to laugh at the boy. Minho raised both his eyebrows now. Tarzan dropped his things and brought his hands up and formed fists, like he was going to fist fight Minho. Minho grinned, and held up one hand, palm open. His other arm still wrapped around my back. But he held his hand up, palm out. 

"Go on, kid, lets see those punches." Minho challenged.

Tarzan threw a punch into Minho's palm. Minho yanked his hand back with an over exaggerated hiss of pain, as he shook his hand out. 

"Damn, kid, that's a good punch! You're gonna break my hand!" 

Tarzan's set serious face broke into a huge toothless grin and his eyes lit up. He held his arms up and flexed, showing Minho his tiny little muscles. 

"Don't mess with this kid!" Minho nodded seriously, and then looked down at me with a smirk on his face. 

"Thank you." I whispered. 

"He's a clever kid." He murmured, leaning closer and kissed my forehead gently. 

Tarzan had squatted down, he was looking back and forth between us, his head cocked. His eyebrows pulled together, he inched closer. He reached a small hand out and touched the necklace I still had. He cocked his head the other way, and then looked back and forth between Minho and myself again, a big grin on his face. 

"Yeah Bud. This is Minho. I love him very much." I answered his unspoken question. 

Tarzan narrowed his eyes and looked hard at Minho, then suddenly threw his little arms around Minho's neck and climbed into my lap. So Minho now had both of us curled into his lap. Tarzan let go, but still stayed in my lap, his little head resting on Minho's chest and he closed his eyes. His little body exhaled. I actually giggled. Minho looked quite shocked at first, not really knowing what to do, but slowly relaxed and then wrapped an arm around the little boy as well as me. Minho lay his head on mine. 

"I feel like i have been chosen." He whispered with a small chuckle. 

"You have." I whispered back, tipping my head to look at him. Our faces were so close, his nose was brushing mine. I could see his eyes forming the crescent moons. 

Intentional Killer - Book 2 In The Jessie SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now