Chapter 45: Reunion

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The one who had a gun to Minho jumped and screamed. And spun around trying to find where the bullet came from. When the girl did, Minho also spun around and grabbed the gun, being bigger and stronger it was easy to wrestle the gun from her hands.

"Back away from the boys!" I yelled.

She froze, her head swiveling.

"Wait... Harriet?" Aris stammered.

My head snapped so fast I heard it crack. Aris had stepped forward, his face lit up with a huge smile. The one who had a gun to Teresa, had pulled her scarf down and yanked the hood off. I froze. My heart stopped, my lungs forgot to work. My head was spinning. I went from hot to cold to hot again. I couldn't function. Nothing was working. My brain was having a hard time trying to process this.

"What the bloody hell are you doing here?"

I knew that voice. The voice I had resigned to never hear again. The girl I had sent a bullet to her feet pulled her hood off and yanked her mask down. 

"Sonya!" Aris cried.

"Sonya!" I whispered in disbelief. I was still laying frozen, hidden on the cliff, not able to get my mind and body to function.

"Aris, you're lucky we didn't shoot your dumb ass!" Sonya scolded, yet she pulled him into a tight hug.

When he let go, Harriet pulled him into a tight hug. "You all right, man?"


"What's happening?"

"We were in the maze together!" Aris explained.

"Wait...if you were in the maze together..and you said your name was Sonya...?" Newt said slowly.

"Then these two are the one Jess always talked about!" Minho finished, folding his arms. He slowly looked the girls over.

"Wait. Jess? As in..." Sonya's eyes went wide and her mouth fell open. " it can't be! She died in the maze!"

Minho snorted and smirked. "She's a hard one to kill."

"You know..."

"Oh he knows her real well." Frypan chuckled, giving Minho a painted look. Minho just looked smug.

"Wait...what?" Harriet held a hand up.

My limbs finally decided to work. There were cold and numb, but they finally worked. I got to my feet and immidiatly leapt off the rock. I landed on the hood of the closest car, crouched, and ready, the sniper gun in my hand still. Everyone flinched and a few yelped. I stood up slowly.

I heard a few of the guys snigger.

"A wee bit buggen' dramatic, hey Jayjay?"

I ignored Newt. My eyes glued to Sonya's face. I couldn't believe she was here. She was alive and here. She couldn't see my face, but my eyes were watering and I had bit my bottom lip to keep from crying out.

Sonya and Harriet both looked like they were struck by lightning. Sonya was the first to move. She took a hesitant step forward, looking up at me. I froze again, standing on top of the car.


I pulled the hood off, finally revealing my face. I had tears pooling in my eyes and I was ready to break down.

"Wholly shit. Jessie! died!"

I jump off the car, a small smirk played with my lips.

"It didn't stick."

We both unfrozen at the same time and we threw out arms around eachother. And the tears finally broke free from my lashes. She gripped me tighter. And then there was another set of arms.

Intentional Killer - Book 2 In The Jessie SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now