Chapter 6: The Cafeteria Fight

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The cafeteria was a huge open space with florescent lights. Pipes and tubes and wires snacking around the walls and ceiling. It was an odd mix of the bright white futuristic halls and the concrete wear house bunker. One wall had huge windows that looked out into the bright white hall. There were rows of shiny metal picnic tables, where kids were sitting on the benches or on the tables. Boys and girls of all ages all talking creating a wild noise that crashed into me.

It was a shock to my system seeing this many people at once. Sure waking up in the Glade was a shock, but this was different. Clearly there weren't just my two mazes. I scanned the area trying to find the guys. As I did, my heart almost stopped, but when the blond girl turned around it wasn't Sonya. I kept scanning the crowd my heart started slamming in my chest harder and harder; they should be here...they would have to be here. All these other kids were here...why not the girls? Why not my first maze?

As I scanned the area I saw people carrying trays of food. My stomach grumbled, and I followed the request of my stomach. Bending down I slid the knife into my boot. Why would Sergeant Barnes slip me a knife? It made the unease and anger worse.

The kids ignored me as I walked passed. I slid into the food line folding my arms and waited.

"Hey." A deep voice said in my ear, "you're new, come here often?"

I rolled my eyes and huffed.

"Oh come on hot stuff." Another male voice said as he slid up beside me.

"Girls should smile more, give me a smile sweetheart." He tried to slide an arm around me.

"Don't look so broody, JayJay." Winston chuckled.

I turned my head and gave Winston a twist evil smile. Which he returned. Clint was also àchuckling to himself. Jason also tried throwing an arm around my shoulders, I shuttered and shrugged his arm off.

"Eww. Don't touch me or I'll put a fork in your eyeball."

"Excuse me, miss are these guys bothering you?" A boy with dark curly hair and dark eyes turned around in the line, frowning.

"Yes." I said. "Yes they are."

Winston gasped clutching his heart, "but you know us!"

I sighed and rubbed my forehead, "unfortunately."

The boy looked confused.

"We're friends. She's my bestie, actually." Winston said puffing his chest out as the new guy was clenching his jaw and his dark eyes were flicking back and forth between us. I could see the conflict and confusion in his eyes. Jason tried to put his arm around me again, and again I shrugged it off.

"Dude. Stop touching me!" I growled.

"She asked you to stop." The new guy said, trying to step between us.

"Ya, ya shank. Stop touching her." A deep voice rumbled from behind me. I felt his hands slid around my waist and down to my hips and I was pulled back into a strong broad chest. I smirked and twisted, coming face to face with Minho.

"Hey Baby."

"Hello handsome."

"Uhg, gross." Jason gaged.

Without breaking eye contact with me Minho pushed Jason away with the palm of his hand on Jason's face. Winston and Clint howled with laughter. And the new guy looked utterly confused. Winston patted the guy on the back. Him and Clint threw their arms around the kid turning him away.

"She was in our maze. Their dating. And we're all friends, relax shank."

"So...what took so long with Rat Man?" Minho asked, stepping forward making me step back as the line moved.

Intentional Killer - Book 2 In The Jessie SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now