Chapter 33: The Aunties

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I was running down a dark hall. My heart was slamming into my chest, my breathing was coming in short gasping breaths and as I exhaled I could see the misty cloud. The Hall was cold. I had no idea where I was going. I knew I couldn't leave, I was stuck here. I was just running in dizzying circles, turn after turn. Every time I thought I was further away, I could hear the heavy footsteps closing in.

I slammed through a door my eyes closed tightly and slid down the wall. I clamped a hand over my mouth to hide the exhales in the cold hall. The footsteps got louder. I tried to hold a whimper back.

The doorhandle to my hiding spot slowly twisted and the door itself slowly creaked open a crack. It suddenly snapped shut and the footsteps died away. I waited. Holding my breath, daring to hope. Slowly and quietly I stood up. The lights suddenly flicked on. I spun around with a wild cry. The Handler was sitting at the metal table and I was stuck in the dimly red lit room.

"Welcome back Jessica."

I let out a wild terrified scream. I spun to the door trying to yank it open. But I was locked in. I couldn't leave. I was trapped. I heard the scrap of a chair and the heavy footsteps coming up behind me.

"You can't run from me. I will find you. You. Belong. To me. You are mine."

I felt a burning run through my body. Starting in the back of my head at the base of my neck. It sent a wave of pain through my body, and swung to the front of my head, right behind my eyes.

"Shhh child. You're okay. You're safe here. Just a nightmare."

My eyes flew open and I sat up straight with a knife held tightly in my fist. My breathing was short, shallow and ragged. I cried out in pain. I fumbled the knife and dropped it, clamping both hands to my side.

"Careful now. Don't want to undo all my hard work!"

I groaned. Squeezing my eyes shut I tried to breathe through the pain. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I flinched.

"Don't!" I snapped.

The hand withdrew.

"Apologies my child. Most Lost Pups have a hard time trusting at first, and don't like to be touched."

I peeked through my eyelids, and glared. Auntie Em sat at the edge of the bed. Her back straight, her hands in her lap. But her face was open and gentle.

"Why do you keep calling me that?" I asked through clenched teeth.

"What? Lost Pup?" A small smile formed on her face. "Are you not lost? You were part of a pack and now you seem to be quite alone. For the moment."

I clamped my jaw and narrowed my eyes. She stood up and went to the table and began fussing and taking things from different plants and other things. I watched her work for a moment.

My entire body was aching. I also felt feverish. I gingerly checked my arms and the extent of my injuries. I had an IV in one arm, it was hooked up to a big bag of clear liquid. And the other arm had an IV, this one slowly had fresh blood flowing slowly and steadily into me.

"Just general IV; fluids, electrolytes, glucose, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and medications; in this case antibiotics... everything to support your health healing and well being. You also lost quite a bit of blood. Just replenishing your supply." Auntie Em explained.

I just nodded curtly. The ripped up bloody shirt I had on was gone, leaving me in a dirty bra from WICKEDs compound. I shuddered. I pulled the white blanket away, my pants were also gone. I had a thick bandage wrapped around the bite on my calf and a fresh one around the bite on my arm from the Mall cranks. I also had a thick bandage wrapped around my torso. It covered the freshly patched stab wound and a huge bruise on my ribs. I looked like I was attacked by a group of wild cats. I was covered in scratches. I gingerly touched my face.

Intentional Killer - Book 2 In The Jessie SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now