Chapter 2: Foodageddon

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I skidded to a halt, the huge bay doors were wide open, inside looked like a warehouse. Forklifts were driving around. Men and women in black uniforms were marching around, some with guns and some with big plastic shields. There were boxes and crates everywhere, my guess would be full of supplies.

"Hey! Where's JayJay?"

"Huh? What?" I spun around, my heart dropping into my stomach and my stomach felt like it fell out of my body. I scanned the Gladers around me.

Winston, Newt, Fry, Thomas, Tess, Jeff and Clint, Peter, Jason, Dug and Adam. That's it, that's all who made it out alive. As my stomach twisted thinking of that, it twisted even more because I didn't see Jessie.


I spun and saw Jason pointing out into the night. I cursed. But I watched in awe as she dove out of the helicopter, which was at least a story or two above the sandy slope. She tucked her body and rolled. The huge form of someone else was right behind her. He also tucked his body and rolled, and came up in a similar crouch, but used one hand digging into the sand and dragging it to slow his momentum.

They were obviously talking, she had stood up and spun towards the huge man. I watched horror struck as these things that were screaming swarm over the sand hills. A group of them right behind Jessie and the mystery man. They spun around together and like they had trained together all their lives, they fought these human-like monsters. The way they both moved and circled around each other, protecting each other's back but not getting in the way...

I had watched Jess and Tess fight each other in the ring and then Grievers, but this was different... I felt my face heat up slightly. She was in a deadly situation, yet I didn't feel she was unsafe, she had it fully handled and it was amazing to watch. I folded my arms and watched with a smirk as they came running down the stretch and slid between the huge bay doors.

She slid to a stop right infront of me, and my smirk grew. Her dark blue eyes looked up at me. Her cheeks were pink and she was now wind swept and covered in sand. She had a smug smirk on her face, but I could see the haunted vacant look in her eyes. Chuck's death rattled everyone, but it just about destroyed her, and it was still very fresh.

"Nice moves, Dutchess."

She gave me a bow with a wild wave of her hand. As she strained up Winston tackled her in a hug. She immidiatly started cursing and fighting to free herself.

"Get the hell off or Imma flip you!" She yelled.

"You wouldn't dare!" He challenged, gasping.

"I wouldn't take that bet man." I shrugged.

Rolling his eyes he let go. The huge guard stomped over, his dark eyes swept over us.

"Follow me." He barked.

He didn't wait for answers or to see if we were following. Just marched through the huge wearhouse area.

"Move! Faster!"

We followed, we didn't have much of a choice we were joined by more guards, ushering is faster. The guy led us down a dark hall and then to an unmarked door, he pushed it open and stepped back.

"Inside. Move. Come on."

We were all pushed and shoved. Thomas stopped at the doorway and turned to the huge guard.

"What's going on?"

The guy just looked at him. His dark eyes were intense and didn't look away from Thomas, boring into him, until Thomas looked away first.

"Big Bad Wolf is a man of little words." Jessie said. Her and Tes appeared at Thomas's shoulder, they were both eyeing him up.

He just indicated with his head into the room. The other guards shoved us in.

Intentional Killer - Book 2 In The Jessie SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now