Chapter 36: The Club

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I growled, frustrated with my situation. Couldn't one thing ever go easy? Couldn't one thing ever just work with no issues? I stood up and went after Tarzan. Thomas I'm sure would be capable to hold himself together in the club. Little Tarzan was in more immediate danger. And I had become quite attached to him in such a short time. Sliding into the shadows of the club I peeked around the corner I saw the bouncer walking down the side of the building. It was a small narrow alley, it was dirty and dark. Littered with empty cans and broken bottles. There were a few couples down the alley, but they were intoxicated, and must be already cranking, they were very occupied with each other to notice others around them; especially with what they were doing in public. I shuddered and shook my head. 

The bouncer stopped to talk to another huge guy. I watched as they stopped and watched some words, they laughed and the one guy shook Tarzan like a little rag doll. They laughed at him some more as his little head flopped. I would have just sprung out and taken them out, but I didn't want to risk his little life anymore. I watched, my anger rising and my hands tighten around the knife. 

They separated, and the guy with Tarzan kept walking towards the back of the building. The other one  came towards me. I was so angry, my hands was shaking with rage. He was only a few feet from the corner. I slid around the corner and before he could do anything, my knife was handle deep in the hallow of his neck. I twisted it and yanked it out with a snarl, and stepped out of the way as he choaked on his own blood. His hands went to his throat, trying to stop the flow of blood. He collapsed choaking and sputtering. I didn't stick around, I went after my little buddy. 

I was right the drunk drugged out couples that were down the alley didn't notice me or the dying bouncer. I peeked around the corner just as the door wiped open, the loud obnoxious music and wild manic laughter and shouting came blasting out. The bouncer threw his head back laughing and said something I couldn't hear over the wild music. I slipped around the corner and slunk silently towards the door. I needed to get through it, I figured there was someone on the other side manning the door. The bouncer disappeared carrying Tarzan's floppy body over his shoulder. 

As the door closed I slid my foot in the way, preventing it from closing. I yanked the door open again. Standing in the door way was a tall thin wiry man. 

"HEY! Wha-"

He didn't finish. My knife ran across his throat and he dropped in a splutter of blood. The music was so loud inside I could feel my heart wavering, the thumping made my head hurt. One advantage, no one would hear me coming. Down fall, I couldn't hear anyone else. I growled. This back door entered into a small hall. I was surprised there wasn't anyone else back here. I narrowed my eyes and slowly took in my surroundings. Long hall, a few doors. The huge bouncer and Tarzan had disappeared. I slowly crept forward. I slowly pushed the one door open and peered inside. I almost yelped. I pulled the door shut with a snap. I pressed the heels of my hands to my eyes. 

"Shuck, my eyes are burning." I muttered. "That puts a hole new meaning to private show. Shuck sakes." 

No matter how much I pressed on my eyes, that image was forever scared in my mind. Shaking my head again I crept to the next door. Praying it was not going to be the same, I opened the door a crack. I was wrong. It was the exact same as the last room, just different people. 

"Fuck this is more then just a club, this is a shucken brothel!" I grumbled to myself. 

Knowing I had to check each room, just incase the guy took Tarzan into one. I internally groaned. I was ready to throw up by the time I was done. This entire hall was just rooms for some nasty klunk. I wanted to throw up by the end of it. I wanted to take my eyeballs out and burn them. That was a waist of time, and now Tarzan was anywhere in this building. The last door at the end of the hall, obviously went into the main part of the club. Steeling myself for what lay on the other side of the door, I took a quick second and then opened it just enough to slid through. 

Intentional Killer - Book 2 In The Jessie SeriesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt