Chapter 25: Storms

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The rest of the group made it eventually. They just plunked down around Minho and myself. There wasn't anything to use to make a fire, so they just huddled together to keep warm. The nights cooled off drastically. I stayed curled in Minho's lap. I really didn't want to be around people, but I couldn't get away from them. Thomas kept looking at me with his big puppy eyes. Newt would lean in and say something quietly to him. Frypan, Jeff and Jason sat huddled together just staring at a spot on the ground. 

"I thought we were supposed to be immune." Jeff suddenly said to no one in particular.

"Not all of us, I guess." Teresa said.

"You have no memories of that?" Thomas asked her with a slight accusation in his question. 

She shook her head sadly, "I only have splotchy memories. Sorry." 

 "If Winston can get infected... we should assume so can the rest of us." Jeff nodded. 

I felt Minho stiffen and tighten his hold around me. And I felt Teresa's eyes. They were the only two who knew I was bit by one. I felt my arm throb. I pulled the sleeve of my jacket down. 

"I never thought I'd say it..." Frypan sniffed, "I miss the Glade." 

"Remember those bonfires?" Jason smiled sadly, I could hear the sadness thick in his voice. 

"Yeah!" Frypan gave a half hearted chuckle. 

I couldn't sit here anymore. I stood up, Minho sighed sadly, but he let me go. I walked away from the group and sat down, my back to them. I couldn't sit and remember the good times. Not right now. I only lost Winston early this morning. I had a knife I was fidgeting with, and slamming it down into the dry earth. I heard uneven footsteps behind me. I growled in frustration. Newt sat down beside me. 

"Jess, Love. I know your hurting. We all are. I need you to not kill Tommy. He wants to talk to ya." 

I just growled. And continued to stab the dry earth. I didn't want to talk to anyone, especially Thomas. 

"Please Jess. Do it for me. For Winst-"

"Don't. Don't you even dare use him to get what you want." I hissed. 

He sighed heavily. He was silent for a while. I sniffed, trying to keep the angry hopeless bitter tears. For someone who felt so numb, I was surprised how many tears kept falling.

"It's been a few bloody tough days." 

I scoffed, and rolled my eyes. 

"'re hurting..." 


"Were all on the same side, Love, please just remember that. We're all hurting after all the deaths of fellow brothers. I told you the other day; a lot of our friends our brothers...your sisters, have died to get us this far. So we can't give up, you can't give up. I won't let you We need to keep going and live for them! Someone told me once, after what I did...they told me two things. If you ain't scared you ain't human. And the second thing was I had a second chance at life. And I need to live for those who can't." 

"I'm not scared." 

"Sure you are. Scared of losing your family. We can all see it. You care. Deep down, under all your hurt and anger and brokenness. you care." 

I just growled. The shank was right. 

" can't break what's already broken." I spat.

Newt took my hand, and held my hand tightly. He ran a thumb over the back of my hand. "You started to heal. Winston and Minho started that process-"

Intentional Killer - Book 2 In The Jessie SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now