Chapter 13: The Voice of an Angel

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I was trapped in the medical room. There was a small chair bed, the counter a few metal Rolly trollies with medical tools, and the high tech coffin incubator stood ready and waited for me in the corner.

Mary held her hands up in a placid kind of way, like she was trying to calm a caged animal. I knew I could take Mary it was Barnes that I was worried about. I thought I could trust him. Maybe I couldn't. I was caged in a room with a doctor who worked for WICKED, who was pretending to not be WICKED, prepping eager kids to die some terrible horrid death.

"Jessie." She smiled.

I ripped the mask off and tossed it into the corner. "Doctor Mary." I sneered.

"I understand that you will be nervous. But you can trust me."

"I trust all of three people in this shucked up world. And you are not one of those three."

"I understand. It's what's kept you alive for do many years."

My eyes snapped to her calm ones and I narrowed mine. My hands were clenched in fists.

"How would you know?"

"I've read your file, Dear."

"Only WICKED and The Hall would have my file."

She nodded, looking at me with intensity, "Yes. They would." Her eyes flicked to the corner so quickly I almost missed it. She kept talking but her eyes flicked another time up to the corner of the room. "We managed to get our hands on files from various mazes."

"That's very interesting." I said dryly. I tried stepping away, but Barnes blocked my way. His eyes were steady, and they looked clear.

"Steady Little Wolf."

"Steady my ass Bucky. What the fuck is going on?"

"Jessie Dear, it's just a basic medical exam." Mary tried to reason with me. "I'm just going to make sure you're okay for the next journey, the next stage in your life." She waved her hand trying to explain.

"No. I don't like people touching me. And you already know what happened to the last doctor who tried." I snarled.

Mary sighed. "Yes, I know." She indicated to Bucky, "that's why I had Sergeant Barnes escort you."

Bucky grabbed me from behind. I screamed, and thrashed. I tried throwing him off. But he was too big and too well trained. I kicked out and kicked over a tray of medical instruments. I used all my strength to slam my elbow into his stomach. I heard a grunt and his grip loosened just slightly. But not enough.

Mary tried getting close but my knee connected with her chin. She dropped like a rock to the ground. There was more scuffling and grunting. I was screaming and thrashing. Barnes managed to pick me up and slam me down onto the white tiled floor. My back collided with the surface knocking all the wind out of me.

I gasped trying to get oxygen back into my lungs. He got ontop of me pinning my still chained hands down with one knee, he wrapped the other foot over my leg so I couldn't kick it buck him off. I was truly helpless right now and I was terrified. I had tears running down my face.

I was going to die, and I actually wanted to live. I wanted to see Minho again and laugh with Winston and irritate Mama Newt. I struggled with everything I had in me.

"No!" I screamed. "I trusted you Bucky! I trusted you!"

"An Alpha protects his pack." He growled.

Mary had struggled to her knees and tossed him a syringe.

"No! Please...Bucky, please." I pleaded, tears spilling from my eyes.

"It's not your time yet." A small voice whispered.

Intentional Killer - Book 2 In The Jessie SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now