Chapter 12: An Opportune Moment

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I sat frozen to my spot. I heard wrong. Absolutely I heard wrong. My name wasn't Jessica anyways. The room was quiet waiting for her to stand up. 

"Jessica your name was called." Janson said. His dark beady eyes were locked on me. 

I sat still as a stone, trying to figure out what he was playing at. My eyes immediately slid to Thomas and then to Aris who was now staring at me. They both looked absolutely horrified. I was aware that everyone was waiting for me. 

"Boys," I whispered to the Gladers. "I need to make a scene, just a moment." I looked back up at Janson.

"Well," I called, trying to stall and come up with a plan, "My name is not Jessica. It's Jessie." 

"Well either way, it's time for you to join your fellow Maze survivors. Your new life will begin shortly." 

"No thanks, I'll wait until I can go with my family. You can give my spot to someone else." 

Instantly every hand but the Gladers and Aris's hand shot into the air. I felt Minho's hand on my leg apply pressure. I could feel the shaking in his hand. I could also feel Winston trembling. I saw Janson's fake smile slip. He was looking hard at me. 

"Unfortunately we can not change the scheduled times of the chosen." 

"The Chosen. Whoa, doesn't that sound fancy, hey guys?" I paused, then "I decline." I shrugged. 

"I will ask you respectfully one more time."

"And I will respectfully tell you to fuck off." I rolled my eyes and flipped him off, making a huge deal with the chains. I could see Captain Vince trying very hard not to laugh. He had to cough a few times and look away. I smirked even more. I could see Janson's eye twitch.

I heard Newt groan but Winston, Minho and Jason snorted. Thomas, I could see  was trying hard to work on a plan last minute. 

"Why do you have to make a deal about everything?" 

"Because Newton, where is the fun in not causing a scene, I'm also trying to stall so Tommy Boy has more time to come up with a half ass plan to get me out of this." I whispered urgently. 

"I think I have something...but you need to go with them, can you get out of there by yourself?" 

"Maybe? I think I can trust Vince." 

He nodded. 

"I am not a patient man, Jessica. It's now or I make you." 

"Well learn to be patience you sewer rat." I spat with s much distant as I could into the words.

The cafeteria was dead silent, I could feel every kid holding their breath, apparently no one ever had the guts to stand up to him. But then again I wasn't everyone, I was a trained killer. I had Winston's hand in mine and squeezed. 

"I'll be okay Winnie."

"I know you will be, doesn't mean I'm not worried." 

I smiled at him, and kissed his cheek. I turned to Minho, my chained hands held his face. 

"I'm not going to some safe place without you." I whispered. 

He gave me a thin lipped tense smile. I pulled his head closer and kiss him. 

"They'd have to kill me before I went there without you." 

"That's what I'm worried about." 

"I'll be fine. Trust me." 

"I do." 

I got up, and Sargent Barnes was right there holding the mask. I rolled my eyes

"Can I leave my backpack with them?" 

Intentional Killer - Book 2 In The Jessie SeriesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon