Chapter 15: Who the Hell is Bucky?

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I stood trembling. My mouth had gone dry. My hands were shaking and my knees felt like jelly. My sweaty hands formed tight fists.

"Hello Jessica. It's nice to see you again. I missed you." His voice was smooth and deep and full of mock amusement.

"Who's that guy?"
"Why does he have a typical evil villian voice?"
"I dunno but he's scaring the shit out of the girls..."
"I didn't know they could get scared!"
"Shut up man!"

I wanted to back away, wanted to hide and run. But we were stuck and I knew I couldn't. Teresa had gripped the back of my shirt, holding on like she was about to faint. I could feel her shaking as well.

The Handler stood half shrouded in shadows, like shadows just follow him everywhere. His voice floated through the hall like he was standing right beside me.

"Jessica, my dear Little Wolf, do-"

"Don't!" I snarled. I finally unstuck my feet. And I took an angry step forwards. I wasn't the scared little eight year old kid anymore. I wasn't being controlled, at least not right now, not yet.

"Don't you DARE call me that name. And don't ever call me Jessica. That is NOT my name it never was and never will be."

"Hmm. Your right tiny pup. Jessie was your birth name. The name given to you by a loving mother. It was her name too, you know."

I felt a knife in my chest and a punch to my gut. My mother? How does he know .. My world started to spin and my head felt hot and dizzy. I must have staggered slightly. Minho was right beside me, a hand on my back and one holding my elbow so I wouldn't fall. He turned his back slightly to them, shielding me. He made me look up at him. My eyes must have given away how scared I actually was because he pulled me closer.

"Hey...easy Jess, he's just trying to get in your head. He's a master manipulator."

"I...I can't show weakness. He'll use it...he always does." I whispered back. I closed my eyes and took a shaky breath.

I straightened, and took my arm from him. And fixed my face into a hard cold look and shoved every emotion back inside.

"Hmmm. Looks like you made some attachments, dear one." He sounds interested, but I wasn't dumb enough to play into that, and this was WICKED, he knew everything that happened through the Beetle Blades.

"Shut up!" I said. My voice was quiet and it was shaking. But I steeled myself and swallowed my fear and the stomach bile

"Oh, my tinny pup found some fangs."

"Ya, and it's high time I rip you apart!"

"Careful pup. This isn't the last you'll see if me. I have... Ways of accessing my assets any time I want."

I turned my head, to look behind me, "how's that door coming?"

"Nothing! It won't bloody open!" Newt whispered urgently. I could hear the controlled panic in his voice.

That's when Thomas finally stepped forwards, hefting his huge launcher.

"Open this door, Janson!" He cried, his face full of anger as well.

"You really don't want me to-"

"Open the damn door!" I screamed. I slowly pulled my two guns out. The fear was forming into rage. The tremors of panic were turning into shaking hands of hate.

"Listen to me!" Jason started,

"Ha. No." I rolled my eyes as I slowly flicked the safety off on both guns.

"I'm trying to save your life." His voice was slippery and full of such concern it was almost believable. "The maze is one thing, but you kids wouldn't last one day... out in the Scorch. If the elements don't kill you, the Cranks will."

Intentional Killer - Book 2 In The Jessie SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now