Chapter 20: Which Direction?

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It was awkward getting off the ledge from our little hiddy hole. Winston held a hand tight to his stomach and stumbled many times. Frypan and I did our best to help. My arm was also quite tender. Apparently having someone try take a chunk out if you makes for a sore spot.

I sucked in a sharp breath when Winston reached out to steady himself and grabbed my arm.

"Jay? You okay?"

"Fine. Never better. Why do you ask?"

"Your sweating, just about passed out and your panting. Show me your arm, and don't ever fucken lie to me again." His voice was raw and strained but his concern still pushed through.

I growled but relented and pulled the sleeve of my jacket back, revealing the wrapped up bite mark. His eyes went wide and then narrowed.

"One of them bite you!"

"Shh. Ya, but I'm fine. We're immune, right? So we'll be fine. Or we can go bat shit crazy together."

"What do you mean by can go? We're already bat shit crazy!"

I gasped. Throwing a hand to my heart. "Speak for yourself. I'm perfectly stable."

"Stable like Gally's tables, you mean." He rolled his eyes.

"Those things were so lopsided, one small bonk and everything spilt everywhere!"

"Exactly my point Jay."

I scoffed and rolled my eyes, but ended up chuckling with him. His chuckles turned to a wince.

"Stop making me laugh. It hurts!" He wheezed.

"Can't. I'm naturally hilarious."

He snorted and rolled his eyes. We made it to the bottom of the sand hill where we had out camp out. Everyone was huddled together, looking slightly lost.

"Wait here. Aris, Tess, Min, come with me." I turned and headed towards a section of the huge wall that was crumbled. The three that I asked to come with me followed without question. And to my uter frustration, Thomas came.

I climbed up the ruins of the building to the top. The others followed and crowded around.

"What are you doing? Why climb up here?" Thomas questioned.

"Are you gonna question everything I do?" I rounded on him.

He just stared back at me.

"Okay, Greenie, we were running blindly through a sand storm last night. In the dark. We are now...where? Where did we come from? Where do we go? Which direction is WICKED and which direction is The Right Arm camp in the mountains? Can you answer me that?"

He opened and closed his mouth a few times.

"Can you see anything from down there? Standing at the bottom of the sand hills and broken buildings?"

Again he was silent. But his jaw was clenching.

"I asked you a question Greenie."

"No." He grumbled.

"No. So, I climbed up to the highest point. So see. I took with me the two other people who have been specially trained in this kind of thing-"

"Why's Minho here then?"

"Because I trust his judgment. He can stay calm and collected in high stress situations. He wasn't Keeper of the Runners-"

"Co. Co keeper." He interupted with a smirk.

"He wasn't CO keeper of the Runners for no reason. I also trust his sense of direction. Any other stupid questions or can we figure out what the hell is going on and where the shuck we are?"

Intentional Killer - Book 2 In The Jessie SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now